
Are Koreans ancestor's of Japanese?

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  1. No.  

    However, if you go back a few thousand years, the common ancestors of Koreans and Japanese did live in what is now called Korea and essentially look identical to them.  Apparently Sinodonts, those people with distinctive teeth and live in Northern China, Korea, Japan (and others such as Eskimoes, and Navajo), moved out of Tibet.  They migrated in various directions including to present day Korea and Japan.

    You might think about it this way.  You have a mother living in a house (lets call it Korea).  One son inherits her house, the other son moves next door (lets call that house Japan).  Both sons have the mother as an ancestor who lived in Korea but it is not really correct to call the son living in Korea to be an ancestor of the one in Japan.  I hope that made sense.

  2. Yes, going back 10,000 years or so...

  3. If you want to take it further, all humans have common ancestors, given that landmasses were once joined - several cultures which are now considered indigenous (eg. australian aborigine) crossed to their now home over a land bridge which was later destroyed.

      Look for 'East African Rift Valley' on google, it may answer some questions for you.



  4. According to DNA findings, yes.

  5. All Asians are ancestor's of each other.

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