
Are Land Based Wind Turbines That Much Of A Health Risk ?

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Does anybody have any real first hand experience of living next to Wind Turbines. Are they a problem or are they not. If they are, what are the problems and how close to them are you and how many of them are there.

I am more interested with answers from people who have experience of the situation as opposed to quoted knowledge from sources. I don't mean to be rude as one person says one thing whilst another says the total opposite. Thanks




  1. They are not as much a risk as the alternatives are

  2. I don't see any possible way they would be a health risk, other than their producing current and EM waves, but much less than living near a power line that goes into a house does.   I live near them in Europe for a few months and never felt anything harmful.   If one were to fall over it could be dangerous, but so could a falling tree.

  3. I don't see how they could be a health risk. As for people who say they spoil the landscape, poppycock, I don't live near them but would never object , we stayed in Longvilliers in france recently and there were loads of them near where we were staying, we'd go and walk nearby and watch, they really are quite relaxing, People complain about the energy crisis but moan about the alternatives.

  4. I don't live near them, although I WOULD live near them, in a heartbeat.  Wind turbines do a FANTASTIC job at preserving wildlife!

    I'm not sure what "health risks" someone told you wind turbines might produce.  Whatever they told you, they were full of manure.  Wind turbines produce NO health risks!

    First hand experience?  My husband has worked on the commercial wind turbines now for over two years.  Nobody gets more upclose and personal with the wind turbines than the men than climb the towers, and go inside the hubs.  Their office building is surrounded by the turbines.  My husband is at work for at least 8 hours a day, and quiet often 10-12 hours a day.

    He actually spends more time around the wind turbines than someone who's home is located near one, but goes someplace else to work.

    The wind turbine techs have NO health problems from the trubines.  Nobody living next to one is going to have health problems either.


    Permaculture homesteading/farming over 20 years

    Hubby is a commercial wind turbine tech

  5. There is no health risks from turbines, especially if you compare it to leaving near a nuclaer power station which is the alternative.  There is a noise which comes from them but you do get use to it like you do if you live near a road or railway track.

  6. Think about it this way. People have been living near windmills for centuries.

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