
Are Libras like tofu?

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Do they take on the flavor of the people around them, or the characteristics of those they admire or want to be like?




  1. Hmm, maybe, but Libra with conviction is like iron/steel. It depends on their mood and/or how receptive they feel.

    Libra is a cardinal sign, so they do not necessarily bend their back towards others. They may do for some time, but then they realise their trust is being violated and they cut with their scales of justice.

    Libra is complicated, but they're not lost. Those without a direction or a conviction exist in all signs - usually Libra don't know what they want because they tend to take people's suggestions and think they deserve a fair chance. Libra has many lessons to learn with regard to relationships.

    Btw I am proud to be a Libra - I don't wish to be any other sign.

    P.S: This question makes me crave tofu now... You know tofu is good for Libra, and tastes so healthy.

  2. Yeah, it seems that way:

    The goal for Libra is to witness the importance of co-operation and harmony in human life. Libra is represented by a pair of scales - the only sign to be represented by an inanimate object. This says something about the Libra objective - to be fair and balanced in everything in a detached way - it is an air sign and therefore seeks an ideal. At its best, Libra can view complex situations, maybe emotionally highly charged ones, and come to a balanced view based on a fair consideration of all the options. However, it may take a while to come off the fence! Come down in favour of one side of the scales and the other side goes up and Libra always seeks to restore balance.

  3. I am a Libra and I definitely do not.  

  4. Hey Rachstar,

    I think libra's are really impressionable,and they like to be liked(i know i do),and i'm not even a libra,but i am a people pleaser,and i was always that kind of a person,but i think that they try so hard to be accepted that sometimes they will try to imitate someone that they admire or look up to a lot,because the ysee something in that person that they really like or want to be like.

  5. Yes?

  6. Yes I tend to find myself doing that at times.  

  7. my boyfriend (who is a libra) sometimes says that too "be fair and balanced" he is going to be mean for a little while because he has been nice for too long! lol he is kidding of course but I find this hilarious! I love letting him choose what we are doing and he loves it too ! I never complain when he changes his mind a thousand times (but I am a gemini and down for anything!) He is a definite people pleaser for example if I am making dinner and his mom is making dinner he will eat dinner twice! too make sure everyone is happy!  He does put his foot down though when he thinks something is not fair ! I love libra's! I think they generally are super awesome people!

  8. Yo are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... right, but none is said to please and o dis please any one.
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