
Are Livingstone electric guitars any good?

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My dad bought one for me today, but I have never heard of them before.

I've always wanted a Fender strat so I dont know why he went out and got this one.

So would you recommend them? Or are they rubbish..




  1. Well, as other people are saying, they are not heard of.

    Personally, it really depends on your experience and taste in music is. Also, ask your dad how much the guitar was. If it's anything over $300 I would return it. It would be a waste of money if you bought something for that much and didn't know if it was reliable and has good pickups and tone.

    If you're a beginner, then cheap guitars are going to be a little harder to learn on. It won't make that much of a difference until you get really good and want a great tone.

    Anyways, w/e you do, don't buy a fender Strat unless you're into jazz and clean songs. If you're into rock or metal, buy something with humbuckers. An epiphone Les Paul for about $400 is great (just make sure not to buy the cheaper ones cause they're bad quality).

  2. chyea

  3. Usually, what name the brand is makes little difference, unless you're looking for a specific feature that only a certain brand has.  Usually, you get what you paid for unless you're being ripped off.  Usually, people come home with something other than what they wanted because the sales man was sick of having it around and really pushed the sale...  This happens all day, everyday.  

    I can't seem to find any info on them.  That's pretty weird.  Makes me wonder if it's homemade.  This is all I found...

  4. Nope never heard of them they're rubbish

  5. I've played guitar for 3 years now and moved on to an electric in my second year, it was a no-name brand, much like the Livingstone that your dad has bought you, but it still performs up to my expectations, it does everything I need it to do and that's fine with me.

    If you like the guitar then you keep it, the brand name makes no difference on how well you play the guitar. If it does everything you need and nothing less, it's perfect for you. My guitar teacher thinks the same.

  6. I've never heard of them either.

    Off the top of my head, I'd say they're probably imported from China or some other Pacific Rim country where there are guitar factories mass producing instruments to be sold under a wide variety of brand names in the U.S. and the U.K.

    Without seeing it or knowing anything about it, I can't tell if its a decent instrument or if its rubbish.

    Your dad doesn't know the first thing about guitars, does he? If he doesn't, my guess is he went to the music store, looked at the price tag on a Fender Strat, and found it cost more than he expected to spend.  Then he saw this Livingstone guitar hanging on the wall for a lot less money and he figured a guitar is a guitar, right? Aren't they all the same? Why spend all that money on a Fender Strat when this other one is much more reasonably priced?  LOL.

    I hope you thanked your dad for thinking of you and buying you this lovely guitar as a present. He meant well, you know that, right?   If nothing else it will do to begin learning on, and in the meantime you can start saving your allowance or birthday money or babysitting or part-time job money towards that Fender Strat you REALLY  want.

  7. If the guitar stays in tune and sounds good, it dosen't matter what brand it is.  I have a wannabe fender strat.  There is no name on it anywhere.  But it sounds great and stays in tune while I'm SHREDDING on it so.......  It's ALL GOOD.  If it's brand new,  give it a chance.  You may have found a diomond in the rough!

  8. im pretty familiar with guitars... ive been playing for probably 3 years... and ive never heard of them.. but i did a little bit of research they seemed o.k. to me.. i cant really say considering ive never really played one

  9. don't worry about it if its your first guitar.. i've never heard of them but some guitars can be good that are small company based.

  10. There a guy named Livingston that hand makes guitars???

    They can't be common because they are not on Ebay.

    Cannot be any worse than say a Fender Squier.

  11. Sorry, I would take it back, be honest with your dad, and get a Fender Strat.  I know they cost an awful lot in Australia, but not only is Fender a good guitar, with some exceptions, but it's the one you want.

    Furthermore, I wouldn't trust the name Livingstone.  It is obviously a copy or a clone, and the name means nothing, just a badge or decal, on a generic guitar from a factory that makes millions?

    Unless it is really beautiful, as I am unaware, then it would be made of cheap, barely reliable electronic parts, and poor or second-quality woods.  Frets may get sharp and stick out from the sides of the neck.  The action might get high, and it will need constant adjustment depending on the climate, or be unplayable.

    I would definitely stick with a good brand name, not as a gear snob, but for reliablilty, tone and a pleasurablee playing experience, giving you the best attitude towards your equipment, for enjoyment as well.

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