Gustav is predicted to hit New Orleans - based on AGW logic, shouldn't people stay?
Life is based on predicting future outcomes (note the plural). It is one of the things that distinguishes humans from animals - the ability to make predictions beyond the immediate future and to make appropriate decisions based not just on the likelihood of the prediction but on the impact of the predicted event.
For example:
If we are 99% certain it will rain tomorrow, we may still not pack an umbrella because getting wet isn't such a big deal.
If we are 25% sure that company X is going to go bankrupt next week, we will probably sell our shares today.
If there is a 1 in 200 chance that the ice is not thick enough, we tell our kids not to skate on the lake.
Scientists predict (at the time of me writing) less than a 90% chance that Gustav will hit New Orleans and yet the Governor of Louisiana has declared an emergency, Britons are told to leave the city and the mayor has imposed a curfew:
Scientists - not Al Gore, et al - from around the world - not just the USA - have said there is a 90% chance that humans are causing GW that will drastically affect all life on this planet and potentially (yes, low likelihood but high impact) cause the death of billions (note, not millions).
So, are there any AGW sceptics out there in New Orleans & Louisiana? Are you going to go about your normal business - no evacuation, no shattering of windows, no emergency rations, drive off calmly to work as usual... after all, it's just a prediction...