
Are MP's (Members of Parliament) quite poor really compared to some of those 'bankers'?

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Are they really struggling to make 'sense meet'? Are they actually really quite dim compared to people like me?

Should we start to trace down the real money makers and make them pay?




  1. Historically and in monied families the way jobs were apportioned was as follows.

    First Son took on the land.

    Second Son went into the army with a bought commission.

    Third Son went into the Clergy.

    The Runt of the litter went into politics.

    So it still goes on.

    However with the lower classes, anyone that fails in finance or law goes into politics; this is because they can't do anything else and have the gift of the gab.

    The alternative is the Dole, Benefits and living off the streets.

    So the way I see it, by employing Politicians we are really carrying out a charitable public service.

    Of course some make good and are given Directorships when they leave politics, those companies, unfortunately take a nose dive on the fast track to insolvency.

    This ensures that they are given a massive Golden Handshake, thus removing them from harm and making way for more poor souls to climb the greasy pole.

    Sense forms no part of politics, because each country is dealing with another containing the same value of politician.

    The money makers are there of course, but a long time ago someone clever got past the asylum guards and made rules that stated ''No Politician can be Prosecuted''.

    There was a Public reinforcement of this by them calling MP's ''Honourable & Right Honourable''.

    When £billions are involved, anyone, (moron or not) will have money stick to their hands.

  2. Whatever they get it's far, far too much.  Don't forget that along with salaries they help themselves to tax payers money via their expense claims.

    Also, bankers have to turn up most days and prove themselves!!!

  3. d**n right John...they really cant make sense meet...poor souls....lets put them out of our misery


  4. Your having a laugh ain't you??

  5. Politicians by nature are crooks . The environment of today's politics and government make the check on the nature to be a thief in office a lot harder . So today their crimes are so blatant  and nothing is done . Why ?

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