
Are MUMBAI, DELHI and KOLKATA the dirtiest cities in the world?

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is it true... when you look at the pictures in flickr and google, i guess so...




  1. I would definitely think so. Its because the density of population is really realy high with not enough or proper municipal garbage collection.

    Also people do not have civic sense. People will eat the chips and throw the packet out of the bus/car/train window. thank god planes do not have open windows, else trash would be falling from the sky.

  2. No.  Mumbai, Calcutta and Delhi are not the firtiest city in the world.  New Delhi is rated as the  24th dirtiest city in the world.

    Please check the following link for the pictures of 25 dirtiest cities in the world.

  3. Friend,

    The information you have is not true. They are dirty but see the kind of apportunity and emplotment these cities have.

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