
Are Mayweathers racist comments stupid?

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He claims that HBO hypes up Pavlik because he is white. But HBO NEVER wanted a part of Pavlik! They where racist against white people! They thought he was just all hype!! They only put him in HBO because he seemed like a perfect opponent to showcase the Miranda! Plus Pavlik fights are always good!

Then he mentions Pacquio but pac-man is maybe the most exciting boxer right now! Your always the edge of your seat because he has that one punch knock out power in the lighter weights thats very rare.

So whats HBO supposed to do? Say oh wow Mayweathers defense is so awesome!! I mean seriously there is only so much you can say about the guy! In general most boxing fans didn't care for his boring style.

Plus I remember back in the day when Jones Jr. was on the of the world they where calling him the greatest thing ever! They where hyping up Mosley since he first began boxing!

They are simply business people. and exciting bouts means more money for them.




  1. just ignore them because h**l opologise anyway infront of the press sooner or later

  2. Hopkins,Mosley,Winky Wright,Jones Jr., were all rightfully given credit for there hall of careers by HBO. Other fighters they've praised are Trinidad(P.R.) and David Haye(U.K.) and even though Trinidad is Puerto Rican. Black is black.

    No one denies Mayweather's talent and skill. I think Lamley,Merchant and Stewards issue like many others ponder why he has put the talent and skill to the test with the best in his divison when there was so much talent around him. He ducked Mosley and Winky and Cotto And Margarito and opted for Hatton and De La Hoya and retirment.

    Hopkins and a didnt have the most exciting style either but he fought Jones,Trinidad.De La Hoya,Eastman,Wright,Calzaghe,Tarver and Taylor twice. Now thats a resume that even a boring style that money can make.

    So basically he's not justified in his comments he's way out of line and to accuse someone of rasicm is a big deal. He had his chance and is only 31 he still can take plenty of fights to prove himself.

    Side Bar: It's Amazing how easily people have forgotton about Floyd and have jumped on Pacquio. I think that shows his career wont last the test of time.

  3. Mayweather is just talking to hear himself talk he is gone and wants to be in the spotlight. He was the most hyped fighter on HBO.

    PS Pavlik is hyped up on HBO because he is a great guy, has good fights, an up an comer a powerhouse an very marketable HBO is just fallowing the money.

    sounds like Mayweather doesn't it.

  4. he obviously acts just like the word to describe his personality...*****.

    its a shame the poor little black man has been repressed beyond repair.

  5. Floyd just needs all the spot lights on him.. p**s on the guy he is not worth mentioning anymore I asked the same question.  **** him in his mouth while he talks.

  6. False accusations of racism gives cover for the real instances of racism.  So yah, it's stupid.  

    But honestly, we all need to move on, Mayweather is an ex-fighter.

  7. Let's talk about "Trash talk" for a minute.  Muhammad Ali was a master at it.  Many, including Mayweather, have tried to mimic Ali but failed miserably.  

    The big difference between Ali's talking and Floyd's is that ALI often talked to hype a fight.  No one gave more praise AFTER the fight than ALI.  Even though you always KNEW his talk was hype, people Still tuned in to listen.  

    People are already getting tired of Floyd and he hasn't been gone long.  We wanted him around a bit longer because we want to see him fight Miguel Cotto, potentially the best fight that could happen in boxing now and in the previous and next five years.   IF Floyd will deny us that, that's fine.  I think most people have learned to move on without him.

    Floyd can claim HBO is racist or jumping on the Pavlik bandwagon because he's white but no one who knows boxing is listening to Floyd.  All his talk is totally meaningless if he's not fighting.  No one cares what he has to say anymore.  This little childish quest for attention has back-fired and he's just envious.  

    The only way Floyd will get any attention is to get his @ss in the ring and back up the talk.  He can't draw ants to a pic-nic without a 'Name' opponent.  No one is interested in what he has to say.  The noise is getting old.

  8. Elmer is right. If the guy is retired stop listening to him and talking about what he says.

  9. He's a pig and a racist and overrated as a fighter. I'm glad he's gone.

  10. wasn't this question asked yesterday? why are you stil dwelling on it? you should know how floyd behaves by now he talks a lot of smack that's just his personality, let's focus on the active fighters and disregard what he is saying.

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