
Are McCain and Obama close or far apart politically?

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Why and howso?




  1. McCain represent the status quo .

    We don't need McCain a good soldier running this country but a wise leader like Barrack Obama 2008  

  2. Far apart.

    Obama is on the extreme left.  He was actually an active and registered member of both the Socialist and Communist parties when he was a resident of Illinois and Hawaii.  The symbol Obama uses on his campaign banner is the socialist symbol.  Obama had a flag of Marxist Che Guevara hanging in his campaign office

    Now, McCain and Hillary are similar.  Hillary is a middle-of-the-road Dem and McCain is a middle-of-the road Republican.  McCain has a long history of working across the aisle (working closely with the other side) in order to get good legislation passed.

  3. McCain is a liberal Republican on some issues.  Obama is trying to appeal to so many sides, that Ted Kennedy's old put down of Mitt Romney's abortion position changes is apt:  "He's not pro-choice, he's multiple choice."  I think their positions on the economy are fluid, and I think foreign policy is the only true difference.  McCain wants to go war and Obama doesn't know what he wants.

  4. some points they share but mostly they are far apart.

  5. TAXES:

    If you are in the Top 20% of Wealthiest Americans, McCain is your man. He supports the Bush Tax Cuts for the wealthiest incomes and continuing the lowered taxes on Capital Gains and Dividends (the Investor Class.)

    Barack Obama would save money for all tax brackets in the bottom 80%.

    Compare For Yourself how the McCain and Obama Tax plans would affect tax payers:

    Affects of John McCain Tax Plan (Average change in Federal Tax)

    Bottom 20% -$20

    Second 20% -$123

    Middle 20% -$282

    Fourth 20% -$512

    Top 20% -$2826

    Top 1% -$31,628

    Top 0.1% -$190,653

    Affects of Barack Obama Tax Plan (Average Change in Federal Tax)

    Bottom 20% -$617

    Second 20% -$959

    Middle 20% -$969

    Fourth 20% -$753

    Top 20% +$7748

    Top 1% +$133,715

    Top 0.1% +$789,241

    Clearly one Candidate represents the richest Americans and the other the majority of Americans. Trickle Down Economics has only benefited the wealthy and has put the United States on the brink of bankruptcy, with deficits and debt soaring and the value of the dollar plummeting.


    A comparison of the major energy initiatives proposed by Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama and Republican presidential candidate John McCain:


    _Confront America's dependence on oil by developing energy alternatives and conservation.


    _Break the nation's dependence on foreign energy by 2025 with more domestic production and alternative energy sources.

    Energy price Relief:


    _$1,000 tax rebate to help people pay high energy bills, financed by a windfall profits tax on oil companies.

    _Release 70 million barrels of oil from the government's Strategic Petroleum Reserve to boost supplies.


    _Temporarily suspend the 18-cents-per-gallon federal gasoline tax.

    _Opposes use of government oil reserve.



    _Will consider lifting oil drilling bans in some offshore federal waters as part of broader energy package.


    _End drilling bans on all offshore waters beyond 50 miles from shore, as long as state has say about energy development of its shores.

    ABORTION/Woman's Right to Choose:

    McCain is against all abortions and against a Woman's Right to Choose-no matter how early in pregnancy or what circumstances are involved.

    Obama is for a Woman's Right to Choice.


    Unforunately both candidates are for increased U.S. Military Spending, Troop levels and an increase of Troops in Afghanistan.

    Obama was against the Iraq War and is for a timetable for withdrawal of Combat Troops from Iraq as is the Iraqi Government.

    McCain believes the U.S. can "Win" the War in Iraq.

  6. There is almost no difference between neoconservatives and liberals. The only difference is that the liberals are not necessarily warmongers.

  7. They both have big business in their pockets. The only difference may be exactly which businesses those may be. McCain may have Exxon Mobile financing his campaign, while Obama may have Shell Oil. Just an example.

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