
Are McDonald's staff supposed to handle the chicken w/o gloves on?

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I ordered a salad and the woman who was making it (on my local mcd. you can actually see the people preparing it) handled the chicken w/o gloves on, I never ordered mcd's again, they prob'ly were supposed to do that, but I won't eat there again.




  1. In Ontario you do not have to wear gloves when preparing sandwiches. Which means you touch the onions,pickles, cheese with your hands. But when preparing salads, TDS sanwiches and fajitas they should be  wearing salad gloves. As far the meat the production person should not handle meat/chicken/fish with there hands, they should be using thongs. In Ontario out provincial law states that the health requirement requires staff to wash their hands a minimum of once per hour or when you touch raw food, and just be common sense. This is a way to limit plastic waste and because washing your hands frequently is the same as wearing gloves because wearing gloves does not always mean their can not be bacteria transfer.

    I know in some States or even in all of them their minimum health requirement is that the staff wear gloves when touching the meat and other product. That is because it is their minimum health requirement.

    McDonald's is the largest quick service restaurant in the world, as a company they do not want to make people sick so they institute strict health standards to ensure no one gets sick.  But it is up to the individual restaurant to follow up with the health standards and to ensure that everyone is washing their hands frequently.

  2. I am a crew trainer at Mc Donald's and at least our laws state that our hands must be sanitized. This means either washing with antibacterial soap or wearing gloves. Remember that just because an employee is wearing gloves DOES NOT mean that the gloves are clean. Someone could take the trash out, pick something off the inside of the dumpster, scratch their head, and do anything else with gloves on, so don't be deceived. Although gloves often look cleaner, it does not mean that it is. As long as the person washed their hands recently (Mc Donald's policy is that ALL employees, counter, grill, drive thru, wash their hands and change gloves every hour, and even have timers) you should have nothing to worry about. I would recommend going back and watching if anyone is washing hands. Another good indicator is if none of the employees are wearing gloves, then chances are they aren't breaking any laws, and vice versa if they all are besides one. Also, look if there are any managers in the grill and see what they are doing. Hope I can help!

  3. it is company policy weather it be mcdonalds or any  franchise that handles food to wear some form of headwear as well as gloves at all times,it is both unsanitary&flatout disguisting to disobey these rules&guidelines set forth by the food and drug administration since it's exsistance. therefore a complaint to a head manager should be notified immediatly upon the time of occurance...

  4. eww that would be gross if they didnt wear gloves. smart idea not going back there

  5. i worked at mcdonalds for 3yrs while in highschool and we never were required to were gloves for anything but to change hot grease. I do know that you are "supposed" to wash you hands every 30 minutes and sanitize every 10 or 15 minutes.... I never understood it either but they do alot of things a McDonalds that people dont know....i rarely eat there now that i am not employed

  6. When I worked there we always wore gloves.  I can't imagine touching food w/o them.  GROSS!!

  7. I don't think the staff should do that. If you eat what food they touched without gloves, then you have a possible chance of becoming sick. File a compliment to that McDonald's place and they'll probably try to satisfy you.

  8. Not if they do not pick their buggers

  9. I really doubt they're allowed to do that. Then again, look at the majority of people that work there (no offense to anyone). I stopped eating McDonald's once I got food poisoning from their beef.

  10. Don't blame you. I walked out of a place bc I witnessed the same thing.....

  11. Its hard to imagine what goes on in restaraunts, especially those that you cant see the people making the food..people arent very sanitary with anything these days. I stood at the swinging door that goes back to the kitchen of a chinese food restaraunt one nite and noticed a guy digging his nose, then picked up a raw chicken to prepare it..needless to say Im very picky as to where i eat out nowadays

  12. It's a SAFESERV requirement that gloves be worn.  This employee probably just violated that... ewww...  

    You should let the manager know and get your money back.


  13. call the manager!!!! cuz employees at fast food restaurants are supposed to wear gloves at ALL times!! that is gross that someone would do that, especially when you can SEE them! (ewwwww!!) that mcdonald`s must be Un-sanitary!! (again ewww!) they should be fired for not wearing gloves when they do that!!!!! my mom works around food every day and they HAVE to wear gloves!!!

  14. I never wore gloves when I worked there EXCEPT for preparing the salads. I think it's because the meat isn't pre cooked, so only clean hands are required. Besides, meat is murder.

  15. It is a Health Department REQUIREMENT for all food service employees to wear gloves when handling ready-to-eat foods.

  16. I'm assuming you mean she was handling cooked chicken without gloves on. McDonalds does not require their employees to wear gloves, however, the do have strick rules about hand cleanliness. Hands must be washed at least every hour, or after the employee has touched non-food items, such as their face, hair, another employee, or money. Also, employees are not allowed to wear nail polish since it can chip off, and any open cuts, scrapes, or sores must be covered with a glove. In addition, the woman had no reason to actually touch the chicken. The McDonalds I work at uses tongs to pick up the chicken, place it on a cutting board, and cut it with a chopping tool. The chicken can then be slid off the cutting board, onto the salad, without the chicken being touched.

    As Brandon S. mention, gloves are not necessarily any cleaner than hands. In fact, gloves may be worse because employees would tend to keep the same gloves on all day, but if they didn't wear gloves, they would be sanatizing their hands frequently.

    If you mean raw chicken, then employees definitely have to wash their hands after handling raw meat.

  17. No, but they do it anyway.

  18. It depends on the local health regulations for the city that the mcdonalds store is in.

  19. you are only allowed to handle it uncooked with clean hands and no gloves.  As far as it being cooked, and being handled without gloves, that is just nasty.

  20. i always see the staff use gloves

  21. I worked at McDonald's for two years.  Those who work in the back preparing the food are required to wear gloves.  You should have asked for the Mgr. right away.

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