
Are Men From Italy As s**y As I Have Been Told?

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I have never been to Italy and hope to travel there shortly. Are the men as s**y and outgoing as I have been told? Anything else I should know about dating one over there?




  1. Some are, some aren' really depends on your taste! One thing is sure... my American friends find s**y men that are not considered such in Italy... I guess it is because they are exotic by American thing is sure, though: they are more romantic, dress better and know how to approach a woman... look out, though... they might break your heart afterwards.....

  2. I am NOT g*y, just comfortable with who I am, and happily married to my JHS Sweetheart, ok?

    That said, I envy Italian men, I think they are cool, and wish I had been born an Italian man, I like the dudes! :)

    I hope this helps, since it is a man's perception/perspective! :)

  3. Yes they´re really s**y!!! I met my actual boyfriend there. He´s from Rome.

    Italian guys dress very well, they´re romantic, s**y, funny. But they like to know women before start a relationship. One date isn´t enough for them.


  5. They're s**y allright!  I went to Italy last year,  my first day in Naples a man walked right up to me and kissed me on the cheek and said something in Italian to me all smiles!  I didn't understand him to well (my Italian isn't that great) but I understood half of it and it was sweet!  He was hot too!!

  6. There not that good really. Of course there will be exeptions but I never met one of these guys.

    They tend to treat female tourists like meat and exchange them every Saturday.

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