
Are Mexican police as bad as people say ?

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  1. There is a law in Aguascalientes (bad spelling) where American vehicles cannot be in a certain lane on a certain day.  I was down there with a bus.  All of the lanes were closed for construction.  A cop pulled us over for being in that lane (as if we had a choice).  He asked for the driver's license.  The driver did not know any better and gave it to him.  He took it and ran.  Our translator caught up with him and bartered for it.  He did get it back, but for a price.  

    Never turn your American Driver's License to a Mexican Cop.  They will hold onto it to get money from you, even if you do not get a ticket.

  2. ~idk. i don't visit - and i stay outta trouble.

  3. Yes they are. Look the only thing they want is money. If you have money and pay them you would be safe, There are good cops and corrupted cops like in every country.

  4. They don't need no "Stinkin" badges....

  5. yes they are really bad and I have no experiences

  6. Just literally got back today from Tijuana from a one night stay. 1 A.M. - Walking down the street leaving a bar, the police drove up to me and my friend, got out of the car, asked us accusingly if we were looking for drugs. We replied no, (which was true). The two police officers made us empty our pockets and lay everything on the car. One of the cops went through my wallet, took out some money and said he was going to bring us to jail. The thought of going to jail in another country sounded quite scary, so I said "sir, I am sorry and if that money will help, please take it."

    He took the money and let us go... It was only the next morning that I realized the cop took ALL of the money from my wallet ($100 hidden inside), also 2 credit cards, driver's license, oh and my $150 cell phone which he didn't hand back to me and which I unfortunately forgot about in all the desperation. Luckily my passport was in my hotel room, if not, I would be stuck there, with no ID.

    Thanks to google for leading me to this question... and be very careful if you go there.

  7. I was an exchange student in Mexico, and my advisor said that we should ABSOLUTELY under NO CIRCUMSTANCES use drugs while there or even drive, because he'd had some students who did, and they got thrown in jail, and he had no pull with anybody, no way to help them, no way to even get them bail.

    He said he wasn't kidding--it was bad.  They won't extradite you to the're just stuck there.  He said you want to avoid it at all costs.

    Personally, I saw very few cops in Merida (though Chiapas was CRAWLING with them, everywhere we went in that state.)

    But that doesn't mean they won't catch you and come down hard on you for breaking the law.

    If I were going to break the law, I'd do it in the way would I take the chance in another country.

    But I'm not even going to break it here...I'm just saying.  One thing I wouldn't thing I REALLY wouldn't do.

  8. They are no where NEAR as bad as they say.

    My sister and I went to Mexico back in '54, and after a night of tequila with a one eyed coyote named Sanchez, we decided to rip the place off. Sadly, one of the patrons at the bar was "policia" and we got busted. They let me go with no problem. I still get an occasional post card from my sister, I'm SURE they wont detain her TOO much longer.


  10. what do people say?

  11. Usually now and then the US News have a tendency to exagerate everything that happens in other countries in order to save the tourist industry in US land, because uncle sam looses millions to Latin America tourists every year.

    I think any afro american will tell you they are more afraid of the police in US than the police in Mexico or another Latin America country. Just to inform the uncultivated ones, if you do drugs in Mexico, you are in DEEP trouble, because drugs are illegal in Mexico.

    Solicitation of drugs it's also illegal, and let's be honest, I worked in the hotel industry for years, and you don't see drunk-wasted mexican teenagers on the streets, but you do see lots of wasted american teenager who think because they're american they have diplomatic inmunity to break the law wherever they go.

    You don't want trouble with the law in Mexico or any other country?

    Keep it simple: don't buy drugs or use them, don't get drunk in the street, don't destroy hotel property and treat people with respect.

    The police won't bother to notice you.

    Good luck in your trip.

  12. Most are - But not all.

    Depends also on where you are.

    TJ police are some of the worst.

    Keep your money in your shoe and keep a 20 in you pocket or wallet to bribe with.

  13. worse. just google it

  14. They're not bad! They're just mostly corrupt, under-paid, under-educated, innefficient, under-equiped, badly trained, poor but nice human beings like many mexicans are.

  15. umm not all of them... my friend was smoking weed and some mexican policeman was checking around neiborhood.. and he spotted my friend and he knew he was smoking because it isnt first time.. so my firend and me gave him a bottle of vodka and he rode away

  16. They are looking for bribe money. Just refuse to pay. They will usually say fine lets go down to the station and see the judge. I told them take me I am not giving you anything he let me go on my way after that. People are just so quick to pay. Funk that. I go down to Baja California all the time I never really have any problems down there with the cops.

  17. No, you can't just say a whole group of people are all bad, because it's not the case. Two of my best friends are Mexican, and they are nice and decent people.

    Ok, wow what an idiot I am. I didnt really read the whole question, haha I thought you were asking if all Mexicans are as bad as people say? d**n I'm sorry, well anyways I havent met or dealt with any Mexican police, so I couldnt answer that.

  18. from what i hear they stand in the street instead of in cars and point and blow a wistle when they want you to pull over ha! so threatening, this happened to someone i know

  19. Believe me: they are not. I'm Mexican but I've just been to Vancouver, Canada and Seattle, Washington, in both cities I saw very violent arrests, nothing compared to Mexico.

    I think the main difference is that in Mexico there are no violence in the streets. All the news you know in the US are from drugdealers, but 'normal' people don't have to have worries about violence or police.

    And PLEASE, do not use drugs, THEY ARE NOT LEGAL, and not break the law! This would make more difficult to you to run into a cop.


  21. Yes, there are constant articles in the paper about them abusing their privileges, beating people, stealing money, being "on the take"...oh bad, I was reading about the cops in my city.  Never mind.

  22. u know the best description would be if u can imagine police in the US with out an over head or any officials looking over their actions. so u can imagine someone with all that police power with no control.

  23. h**l yeah, them sons of ****** kicked me in the head and left me for dead! Just playing I have no idea what you are talking about. What about the Mexican Police?

  24. yes, when the Canadian tourist was killed there, they did nothing at all.  As a matter of fact, they were resistant to let Canadian police take over the investication because they were dragging their butts and doing nothing.

  25. most of them, once my brother was driving his car and he turned right with the light red but with precaution and the light had a sign that said turn rigth on red light with precaution and then this cop came out of nowhere and said that he had passed the light and that he was going to get a fine, so my brother had to give him money and he went away, they have been involved with drug dealers and robbery, all kinds of stuff,  also if you are foreing, an american or from some other country that does not speak english, you get pull by them and then they make up all of this penalties and you end up giving them money, i live in mexico since almost 17 years ago and i just turned 17

  26. No they are not. They are somewhat similar to the cops we have here.

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