
Are Mexicans a mixture of spain and something else?

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Are Mexicans a mixture of spain and something else?




  1. well!! kind of!!! people from spain came to mexico hundreds of years ago!! they stayed there!!!

  2. Most of us Mexican have a certain degree of Native American blood, no matter the tone of the skin,  North Mexicans tend to have less but still a very high % of native blood.. south of mexico they are almost pure native americans.....

    It really makes me mad in hollywood movies when all the time they use Puertoriquians, Mexicans to portrait Spanish kings. because belive me spanish look different than most of us.

  3. yeah indians

  4. Spanish, French, and Aztec.

    The generally accepted theory is also that Native Americans are former Asians that crossed a landbridge located between Asia and Alaska back when the two were connected; before the moving continents broke them apart.

    If so, Mexicans would also include an Asian background in addition to the Spanish, French, and Aztec.

  5. no not spain

  6. The darker ones are descendants of Aztecs and the regular skin tone are the descendants of Spaniards.

  7. It is true that the ancestors of the original peoples of Mexico did arrive via the Bering Straight 15-20,000 years ago from somewhere near northern China and therefore Mexicans are at least distant cousins to the Oriental races of Asia.

    Today almost all Mexicans are part of the "mix." Only about 5 % of Mexican citizens are pure European. (mostly immigrants) Another 5-10% are pure aboriginal (mostly in very rural areas.) The other 85-90% are "Mexicans" which is a race formed from the fusion of mostly Spanish and indigenous races (about 75-80% aboriginal). For those who mentioned French and African, these are at best minimal to the mix. The French were only in Mexico for a very few years (while Maximilian was Emperor during the 1860s) The African part of the mix is concentrated mostly in the state of Veracruz and while it is quite prominent in some towns and villages but overall it is quite minimal in the Mexican mix.

    Other groups which contributed were Germans in the north, (if you listen closely to traditional northern music you can clearly hear the base of German/Polish polka) converted Jews who came over early with the first Spaniards, some Chinese, Japanese and all kinds of small influxs from other Europeans and Middle Eastern (Syrian and Lebanese, especially around Puebla).

    But the vast majority of the “outsider” mix came from Spain, they mixed with the Aztecs, Toltecs, Olmecs, Puripechis, Huastecas, Maya, Yaquis etc., and produced the current Mexican Race. Until about 25 years ago it was common to hear people talk about “mestizos,” meaning “mixed race” but that term is pretty dying out and has taken on a somewhat racist connotation. In the official government census and in the language of the people the term for all those now is simply “Mexican.”

    You may see on the streets of Mexico City those who look "white" and those who look "native" but the chances are that both underneath are legitimate products of the Mexican racial mix.

  8. Currently in Mexico you will find that most Mexicans are mestizos (which are European and native Indian mix).  But also there are Indian and African mix, Pureblood European descendants and pure blood Indian descendants, and I've known a couple of Japanese and mestizo mix.  You will see very dark people and very light people. Also light skin people w/dark hair and brown skin w/green eyes light brown hair.  Pre-conquest, the native tribes are thought to be descendants of the groups of people that crossed the Bering straights, some 20,000yrs ago, from Siberia to Alaska and then expanded out and migrated south.

  9. Yes, with original pre-hispanic people, french, ....

    But, there isn´t any nation with a pure race: ALL PEOPLE


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