
Are Mexicans the target of all immigration issues and concerns? Or is it all foreigners?

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This is only out of curiosity.

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  1. That's how everybody makes it seem,so I would say yes.They are more worried about harmless illegals Hispanics rather than the terrorist or the war,so that answers your question!

  2. All foreigners.  But I haven't seen any illegal polish immigrants marching in the streets of California demanding more 'rights'.

  3. Mexicans are the main target when it comes to illegal immigration because they are the worst offenders. In New York City immigration is also going after illegal Russians, Jamaicans, Dominicans, Haitians, Africans from several countries and other immigration violaters.

  4. I would have to say that the answer is yes.  When the word illegal is brought up, the persons that most everyone thinks of automatically are Mexicans.  Of course there are more illegals who happen to be Mexican because of demographics; but if any other third world country such as Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Phillipines, Somalia, Romania, etc. would be across the southern border, the US would have the same problem.  

    It's easier to say that all illegals should wait until they can cross legally but it's easier said than done.  First of all, I'm sure if the necessity weren't so great for them to have to cross the border in order to be able to afford to support their family, they wouldn't do it.  They would much rather stay in their homeland, but since for most, that is not an option, then many risk their lives when trying to enter the US.  Many can also say, why risk your life to enter this country illegally, but when you are in between a rock and a hard place, and you know that you can make more in a day in the US than you can in a week in your native country, and the necessity is there, then you have to do what you have to do.

    I can assure you that many of the illegals have tried to get legal documentation, but have been denied (and perhaps not just once or twice).  This kind of process (denying legal entry) in many countries is a 'formidable cow' for the system and the country, however, for those that aren't denied it is most likely because they are economically stable. It is much cheaper to enter this country legally than illegally.  To enter this country, the most you'd ever have to pay is between $500-$800-legally.  Illegally, human trafikkers (aka coyotes) charge anywhere from $3,500-$10,000.  Let it also be known that many of these coyotes do not release the persons once they get them across the border, some are kept to work in sweat shops and/or prostitution.  

  5. No, it just seems that way because they are the most vocal. Other groups are afraid to speak out because they fear being deported, so they keep a low profile. There's plenty of people in the US from many countries, that are undocumented. Also, people think that all Hispanics that protest are Mexican. But, they are from all over Latin America, such as El Salvador, Guatamala, Nicaragua, etc. The easiest entry is through Mexico.

  6. No, however they exemplify the problem, being by far the vast majority of the problem and being in your face to legal Americans. I haven't seen large crowds of people from India marching in America with the Indian flag chanting viva India reconquista (reconquer) in parts of our country that was never theirs, or pulling down our flag and flying the Indian flag over it.

    However I have seen Mexicans do the same thing. They risked everything to escape to America, and now they want to take America and put it under what they escaped from. Turn me in if you want to for asking the necessary question, are you for real?        

  7. They are not the target but the rush over the southern border has made them the mainstream news...

  8. I can't speak for anyone except myself in this issue, but this is how I see it.

    Illegal immigration is a crime. I don't care from Canada or Mexico or Ireland. If you are entering this country illegally, you deserve nothing more than to be shipped back until you do things the right way.

    The reason Mexicans, I think, have become the face of the illegal immigration debate is because theirs is the most pervasive group of illegal aliens. However, true concerns of this nature should encompass ALL illegals.

  9. Mexicans are the targets. All Mexicans, stick around for a few days and listen to the hate directed at them as a people or culture. I also live in Phoenix, less than a mile from a heavily populated Hispanic area. I NEVER see them waving flags or "marching" around. The same people bashing on them now are the same people who would do the same thing to others of a different culture or race if it was politically correct.  

  10. No, of course not.  An illegal alien from Canada is just as illegal as one from Mexico, it's just that there are millions more from Mexico than Canada.

  11. mexicans are definetely the most targeted group. i mean i would b more worried abour terrorrist who are mostly foreigners....

    i think hispanics come here with the sole purpose to work.

  12. well they're building a wall in the mexican border because of terrorism when it would make more sence that terrorist would fly or go thru canada because a lot of them are american citizens

  13. No, it's just that you don't see people from other country's coming over in record #s

  14. All foreigners have been scapegoats at some point in America's facist and disgusting history. First it was the Chinese when they come for the gold rush. " Americans" see that the Chinese are working harder then they are, they chase them out of their camps, and eventually the country. Then came the Irish. Because the Irish worked for less, they became scapegoats, and people wanted to deport them. Various ethnic groups then followed this pattern. But today Mexicans are being targeted because of the economic problem. Gas prices on the rise, house foreclosures, and some "Americans" find the nerve to blame it on a completely innocent source. Now, im not advocating illegal immigrants. But how in any way do illegal immigrants cause house foreclosures? And rising gas prices? All of this goes back to the Iraq war, and too many lazy "Americans" not being able to afford to pay for their house.

  15. The Mexicans tend to show case themselves into the public spot light.I say Mexicans put themselves out there and here's what we think and it has to be expected that it's always about the illegal and never about what they did

  16. Some politicians make it sound like it's about all foreigners but if you talk to the voters who really care about it they tend to focus entirely on Mexicans.  I have a theory that most illegal immigration talk is really just a way to disguise your racist thoughts and propaganda.  Which is way most educated people don't care about illegal immigration.

  17. Well, maaaaaaaany people are convinced that all non WASP foreigners come from some strange place called Mexico , located south of the borders

  18. Foreigners tend to have the proper papers when coming over the border. Can't say the same about Mexicans. I don't think they are targeted...they are breaking the law.

  19. YES! Immigration is the current limelight with the media, and all they talk about is the Mexican Illegals and the bad, never the good. This has caused border line racists to become full blown racists, and it's the cause of the rise in violence against Hispanics whether they are here illegally or not. Take a look at the presidential race, they wanted to act like heros and make that an issue to take care of once they are in office, but it's backfired, especially on McCain. Now he knows he's lost a lot of the Hispanic vote, so that's the reason he's kept hush hush about it.

    Here's a good article for your reading pleasure, so you know I'm not pulling this out of my A**.

    What's fueling increase in violence against Latinos?

    The poisonous residue of immigrant scapegoating has accumulated in the margins, fueling the rise of hate groups setting their sights on Latinos, regardless of citizenship status.

    According to a recent study published by the Southern Poverty Law Center, hate crimes are on the rise, with attacks on Latinos increasing in tandem with the intensification of the immigration debate. Since 2000, the number of hate groups has swelled by 48 percent, and attacks on Latinos have spiked by 35 percent between 2003 and 2006. While anti-immigrant candidates are repeatedly thrashed in national elections, this has not stopped their like-minded progeny in the street from taking matters into their own hands, confident that their actions are legitimized by what's happening around them.

    This can be attributed to the fact that the anti-immigrant movement has crafted in the public mind the archetype of the undocumented immigrant as Latino, criminal, and a threat to the "American way of life."

    Even teenagers are becoming offenders of this horrific crime.

    Teens Beat Illegal Immigrant to Death

    Shouting racial insults, Brandon J. Piekarsky, Colin J. Walsh and Derrick M. Donchak punched illegal Mexican immigrant Luis Ramirez and kicked him in the head, leaving him convulsing on the street and foaming at the mouth. He died two days later.

    The teenagers, who are white, are current or former football players in Port Carbon, Pennsylvania, an economically depressed coal town. Police say there is friction between the white population and the growing Hispanic population there.

    Ramirez entered the U.S. illegally about six years ago, supporting himself by working in a factory and harvesting fruit.

    Charges are also expected to be filed against a man who gave the teens alcohol hours before the attack took place.

  20. The sad part is is that the mexicans make themselves stand out.

    Marching with Mexicans flags in the USA and wanting rights while marching under another counties flag.

    Drop houses being busted with guns and drugs everyday here in Phoenix.

    Marching as illegal law breakers and wanting rights while being law breakers.

    They make themselves a target by wanting to be special.

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