
Are Montenegrins slavized Albanians?

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According to Professor of Anthropology at Harward and University of Pennsylvania Carlton Steven Coon he believes that Montenegrins are Albanians that were Slavized and he basis his theory on the similarities in the genetic makeup of the two and cultural similarities. Also when Albanian warrior prince Scanderbeg formed the "League of Albanian Princes" he included a Stephan Cernojevic of Zabiak, Montenegro perhaps because of this fact.




  1. if we look customs of Albanians and Montenegrins , we'll find them very similar . there are lot of examples of those similarities , and it's impossible not to think of close origin of those two ethnic groups . since serbian tradition is much different from Montenegrin and Albanian  tradition , and since serbians and Montenegrins are Slavs , for my opinion (doesn't have to be goxy's opinion too ), Montenegrins are slavized Albanians , that during history lost their mother tongue but not Albanian tradition .

    the tribe Kuqi , which is half Albanian and half Montenegrian , is biggest fact for  this theory . even so , everyone is free to choose and declare his nationality , so i am not pretending to change nationality of Montenegrins .

    @ you stared this question most dearest yahoo user , and i knew you will answer it , as i was sure that we'll see things differently in this matter too .i will just add that Albanians are pure beauty comparing with serbians.

    @@ vivet , Chinese, ****** , gypsies and serbians have nothing in common with Albanians , and those nationalities i mention have a lot in common , especially serbijanci and gypsies ( check :Leskovac , Vranje , Niš , čačak , half of Belgrade ) , only in Vojvodina you can still find pure serbijance and that is the reason they don't want to live with you .

  2. Ok, we can discuss it as a theory, but I have also heard that Skenderbeg was actually a Serb. There are some theories about that too.

    I doubt there are any genetic similarities between these two groups, but certainly there cultural ones - like living in tribes. Is that due to geographical facts (living in mountains, poor living standards), I don't know, but it's hard to claim that they are Albanians. Very problematic theory.

  3. Why people want to change history facts?

    Why behind everything in Balkans have to be Albanian signature ?

    I am wondering: if that professor finds out ,that Christopher Columbus or Amerigo Vespucci were of ( Montenegrin )Albanian origin, would they rename America into Albanica ..........


    I respect your  honest question and I answered with my honest wondering. no criticism.


    is there anybody in this world that is not Albanian by mikica's theories......

  4. It never ceases to amaze me how much effort the peoples of the Balkans expend on attempting to prove that the "real" ethnicity of some group A is actually B or C.  The entire region has seen so much migration, movement, inter-marriage, invasion, etc. over many centuries that there is little, if any, left of any "original" ethnicity left.  What you have are cultural groups, formed and re-formed over the centuries by adoption of culture, conquest, etc. with people in any one group having very diverse ethnic origins lost in the mists of time.  Of course this does not prevent the ultra-nationalists there (e.g. Milosevic) from exploiting racial passions for their own ends.  Even a culturally homogeneous country like China is made of of large numbers of originally distinct ethnicities, now so mixed that the notion of a "pure" Chinese is laughable.  So it is with each cultural group in the Balkans.

  5. Sure they are, and I'm the Queen of Sheba:)

    Genetic makeup similar? For Albanians and Montenegrins? When did you last see a Montenegrin? They're NOTHING like Albanians, sorry to burst your bubble.... Tall, handsome men that they are don't have much in common with the rather short and unattractive Albanians last time I checked. That is the reality my friend. I know it would look good on your genetic tree, but no such luck. You must try somebody else.

    Montenegrins are Serbs and unless you're telling us that Serbs are Slavicized Albanians, you should clean up your act and start it all over.

    @mika: I see you're now concerned with my opinion even when I'm not present. A rare case of obsession you have there, mika.

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