
Are Moors considered *******? What is the difference if there is one?

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Are Moors considered *******? What is the difference if there is one?




  1. yes they fall under that category just like indains and italains fall under the category as caucasian. moors ethiopens bushmens fall under the category as being *******.

  2. The key term is 'descent'.  

    Ethnic groups are descended from one of the three main races of HOMO SAPIEN: in Latin - 1. *******, 2. Caucasoid, 3. Mongoloid.

    Arabs are not caucasian.  Arabs are not 'white'.  Arabs and Moors are of ******* descent.  

    Moor is the medieval term for Muslim, particulary those newly founded Muslims of North Africa.  The Moors (North African Muslim) are directly of ***** descent.

    Arabs are also of ***** descent.

  3. We all go back to "Lucy", so the question of race is really a question of mutation and adaptations to climate.

    The general thinking is that Moors are a mix of Arab and Berbers. However, they are nomadic, and certainly, I believe, intermingled with their many trade partners and enemies, as well as any captured slaves. So, that would include the Phoenicians of Carthage (ancestors of today's Lebanese) Nubians and other Africans, Italians and Spanish.  I think all Mediterranean people are closely related because of the continual migrations all around and across the sea.

    If you've been reading Shakespeare's Othello, it might have brought up some more questions. Othello’s exact race is open to some debate. The word Moor now refers to the Islamic Arabic inhabitants of North Africa who conquered Spain in the eighth century, but the term was used rather broadly in Shakespeare's time and was sometimes applied to Africans from other regions. Othello’s darkness or blackness is alluded to many times in the play, but Shakespeare and other Elizabethans frequently described brunette or darker than average Europeans as black. The opposition of black and white imagery that runs throughout Othello is certainly a marker of difference between Othello and his European peers, but the difference is never quite so racially specific as a modern reader might imagine it to be.

  4. race has no basis in reality, it is a lie and you shoulden't belive it.

  5. Their are races in the world as any child of 5 could testify.  Moors are not ******.  They are of the Arab lineage.

  6. No. Moors are from eastern North Africa, but the name later came to refer to anyone who was muslim. They were caucasian like all native North Africans and they were fair to olive skinned, just like the people who live around the rest of the mediterranean. (Arabs are caucasian too. Caucasian does not mean white) Negroes came from south of the Sahara desert and were brought north as slaves by the North Africans and later by the Arabs.

    Mixing with the slaves meant that ***** genes entered the Moorish population, just like what happened in Egypt.

    The main differences between caucasians and negroes are skull shape, skin colour and hair texture.

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