
Are Morning Glories hazardous to horses. Or what is a safe vineing plant. I want to create a barrier

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Between us and the next house.




  1. we had problems with our neighbors and we looked into options i live in the south east so i dont know if u can use it or not but bamboo grows very fast and very tall i dont know cost effectiveness though or how long it takes before it grows fast but i just googled it and got a sight.

  2. There are Morning Glories growing wild in my horse pen. They are poisionus but my horses don't touch them.

    I'm not sure of what would be a better vine to replace them with. Try calling your county agriculture office and ask them. They should be able to tell you what the best choice would be for your area.  

  3. The best thing to do instead of taking just any answer is to see for yourself

    The ASPCA puts out lists for specific animals and it's always good to have them on hand.  Below is the link to the list it's in alphabetical order

    Animal Poison Control Toxic Plants: Horses

    Please note: Some nurseries have crossed silver maples with red maples to produce more color. These hybrids are also toxic to horses. Check with your nurseryman to make sure you are planting true silver maples!

  4. I have never heard of them being a problem for horses.  As they grow wild and I have always lived in the country where there are horses and cows that could eat them I have never heard of them hurting anything.  I know our neightbors cows eats mine if I plant them on the fence between us.  I have them around our yard fence and they are pretty but the next year you will have them by the hundreds.  So if you have anything else growing there they will cover them.

    You could call your local vet and ask him.

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