
Are Moses and Elijah the two that will be at the wall ?

by Guest60571  |  earlier

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  1. I think it will be Pink and Floyd

  2. Moses exceedingly feared and trembled via his own legalism,

    for trying and failing to work out his own salvation by the law,

    witch got him high enough to see he wasn't going to enter,

    for by the law (given by Moses) all perish and none enter,

    but rather die & not receive the promise in a hall of shame,

    for playing their part in a their part vs your part blame game,

    witch inducts all players of a blame game in a hall of shame.

    (when perfect-ion comes, then part-iality is to be done away)

    Elijah (aka John the Baptist) notably lost his head (L-w),

    at his second coming, for accusing & condemning a king:

    What God did "not" send his Son to do: John 3:17... 5:45.

    Puny thing about L-w judging, is it's "inexcusable" behaviour,

    also notably self-condemning with consequences: Romans 2.

    Eg: Thine own mouth condemneth thee, and not I: Job 15:6

    The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.

  3. It's very possible. They were seen WITH JESUS at the Mount of Transfiguration. ... It's gonna happen: it is a very clear biblical prophecy of the endtimes.

  4. Are you talking about the 2 witnesses that are killed and come back to life a few days later?

  5. The most common belief is Moses b/c of  Rev 11: 3-6

    Having power over the waters to turn them to blood, and strike the earth with plague - just as God gave Moses power to do previously  --  and Elijah,  b/c it talks of   fire  coming  down,  just as God gave him the power to do previously..


    Then there's the candlesticks and the olive trees in Zechariah 4;2-3  -  and 4;14 where Zechariah asks the angel for the identity of the two witnesses - the angels answer was   "These are the two who are anointed to serve the Lord of all the earth. Winesses and prophets of God.

    These two are Zerubbabel and Joshua.

    Rev 11:4  "These witnesses are the two olive trees and the two lampstands which stand before the Lord of the earth.

    Amplified version...


    Only  God knows i guess until He reveals to someone for sure..

    Hope this made sense worker - i'm a little tired lol


  6. That is one of the popular theories. Another shared by many pastors in my church is that it will be Enoch and Elijah because neither actually died (they were just taken). A lot of people think Elijah will be one because the powers seen of the two prophets are the same powers God gave Elijah.

    There is even the possibility that the prophets will be neither of them and someone completely new. We won't know for sure until it happens.  

  7. The Moses & Elijah you are speaking about will not be the literal Moses & Elijah, but they will be 2 Jewish Prophets for Israel only, Rev;3:3-4 & not for the genitles, by time this prophecy is being fulfilled, Us Gentiles Bride will be in heaven at the marrige supper. They will not be the literal Elijah & Moses, but they will have the same annointing & power given to Moses & Elijah. And those 2 men are live & well today, Didn't John The baptise have the annointing of Elijah on him, do you see the setting, But John was not Elijah.

  8. I think you will have two witnesses in the prophetic office of Elijah and Moses, but it is not literally those persons.  

    It appears that the two future witnesses perform miracles that mimic Moses and Elijah, and perhaps the two future witnesses follow those two prophets in a spiritual sense, but not in a literal sense.

    Malachi 4:5-6 states, "Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord: and he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse."

    This passage was used in Luke 1:17 to refer to John the Baptist, "and he shall go before him in the spirit and power of Elias, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord."

    Jesus said John the Baptist was Elijah if the people would accept it (Matt. 11:13).  And another passage that said he was a prophet in the spirit and power of Elijah (Luke 1:17).  This is the biblical precident to follow.  It is men born who conduct their office in the spirit and power of a former prophet.

    Deuteronomy 18:18 states, "I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him."  This is a prophecy in which Moses is told God will raise up a prophet "like him," who turned out to be Jesus Christ.  The O.T. has several types of Christ who were deliverers.

    The point is, there is no precident in scripture for deceased prophets returning to conduct ministty, but you do find prophets who conduct themselves in like offices of former prophets.  And I think we should regard the two witnesses in that fashion.

    It seems all these prophecy writers, copying one another, have promoted the notion of deceased prophets coming back, and the populace follows their lead, but I don't think anyone can prove that scripturally.  Just because they conduct like miracles doesn't mean it is the same guys, but rather is a type of these prophets of long ago.

  9. I agree with njlaprel.

    It's hard to say!  But, I'm sure hoping to be watching from heaven!

  10. Which wall?

    Where and When?

    worker4IAM <'><

    Please remind me where in the Bible does it say -

    "Satan wanted Moses' Body "

    and also the Biblical quotation the refers to "the Wall"


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