
Are Most Social Workers in it for the Middle Class Tag?

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Despite, being well educated and no doubt swanning around in Ethnic Clothing and quoting well rehearsed quips from Classical Literature be it from a Philosophical slant or whatever. Is it true, that most people undertaking Social Sciences would NOT know what to do, if faced with a situation that would involve. . . say, an Elderly person needing a bath, or made a mess of oneself?

Would they bluster? And say "Look, it's my job to ensure that certain Protocols are assigned in the correct manner!"

Or, would they roll up their sleeves and get stuck in with true Brit Grit?

Don't you just LOVE Great Britain?




  1. Some of them mean well but are too politically inclined to abide by the stuffy rules to get them out of "reality".and hard work.

  2. Most of them only like the security of a government job, the fact that they can't be fired, and the powertrip of the government authority.

  3. you are right , most social workers drift into it as they cannot think of anything better to do once they have finished there a levels so they go to uni and do a BA then get thrust into the real world  

  4. I dunno.  Most of them wouldn't know classical literature from the Mr Men.   You get a lot of women taking social work exams after sitting at home as a carer for their elderly relatives for years.  And the ethnic clothing crowd don't do sociology anymore.  They do psychology.  The supercilious gits can then all get themselves jobs in HR departments annoying the rest of us.

    The best job idea is to get yourself an administrative post in a social services department, where you don't have to get in contact with the riff-raff at all. Just sit back and forward things to 1) the police and 2) the 'dirty squad' from the cleaning department.

    Your workload will then be transferred directly to jail or a body bag, and the pay is good.

  5. Social workers, like race relations councillors and all the other made up jobs are in it for themselves. So communists can create problems and employ more Communists.

  6. Most social workers are LAZY!  If you look up the case that went to the court of human rights of Z vs UK (2001)  The UK were found to violated at least 3 Articles.  Meaning that If such a case arose again the Judiciary would have to rethink their current policy to grant social workers immunity for omissions.

    I really think lazy social workers should be sued.

  7. Hear, hear!  I say, old chap, most social workers are not educated enough to hold occupations of real importance so they opted for the easy way in life and joined the government so they could look down on the less fortunate while hiding behind their job title.

  8. Not the ones that I know - but they are pretty dispirited. Hanging on to principled position and becoming bottom of the heap whilst all about them are fighting for their place in the sun. My heart goes out to them because it coudl be such  a great job if not  so generally , negatively  misperceived.

    I haven't ever met a middle class social worker although I guess John Profumo qualifies for that label.

    I did a sociology degree as I was a mature student with no A levels and thought it was all I was allowed to do. I don't think anyone knows how to roll up their sleeves and get stuck in till they are faced with it and then the true brit grit arrives.

    I think I do love great Britain but don't tell as it isn't cool!  

  9. I don't believe social workers are middle class.

  10. Social Workers are incredibly hard working, and will usually do anything to help and client or anyone else that is in need.

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