
Are Mr Obama and The Wife REALLY what we want...?

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to lead us in the upcoming years or is trying to elect these two blank slate drones a reaction to the hatred of Mr Bush?......they really are very radical and hate pretty much everything America stands for,based on their early writings and teachings and the people they have allied themselves people seriously think THEY are the answer?......




  1. is Ophra bank rolling this with her big money,

  2. I think a hatred of Mr Bush and ALL things conservative is what is driving the Obama Machine for sure....he is such a neophyte and a "blank slate drone" as you say that its hard to imagine anyone seriously considering them for the White House based solely on qualifications

  3. We could hardly do worse than Bush.

    And McCain isn't ready for prime time, that's becoming obvious.

  4. "The Wife" is really scary isn't she?..yes,I agree....if these two just jumped up in a normal political situation and said"run us for President" they would be laughed off the stage...but in todays climate of hate,they are just what the left wants....and they are very powerful haters based on what they wrote early in their lives.....

  5. Actually yes.  They are a breath of fresh air.  Its not a hatred of Bush.  What is really driving the political change is TRUST.  The Congress and President have lied to the people.  

    Bush had forgotten how he got to be President.  The driving force for his 1st election was people were tired of Bill Clinton lying.  This Administration has taken lying to the public to new heights.  So there is frustration and disappointment.

    There are many unknowns about Obama this is true, but John McCain represents where US politics have been, and failed.  I'm willing to give the new guy a chance.  The older and more experience politicians do seems to have lost sound judgment in decisions that effect us all.

  6. To lead us in the coming year what we need is someone who people can far as the rest i have already seen the land that thy can lead us to,your question should be do i want to be a part of changing America or do i want it to be the same.Well most of us want change and the only way we an get it is it we become color blind what has seem like hope has come in a different color before .let us all be like the blind man and not be led but find our way,the way to do that is to

    remember that there  is no black or no white but the Almighty creator finally leading us to the promise land that is within us

    trust,let your voice finally be heard for peace,let you heart lead you to a place of love and we will all find that we are walking the same road.Whether we are black,white or any other color whether our pastor be black or white they all say the same thing,DUST TO DUST ASHES TO ASHES

    from whence we we shall go back.Do not become dust or ashes without becoming a positive force for change.this is bigger than Mr.Obama this is about our creator stepping in.

  7. I dont think they hate america... I dont think any 'candidate ' could... they are too busy trying to get the wedgie out of thier pants ......   puppetts ......ALL of them....  look who's standing beihnd them reminding them to remove the spinach from their teeth .... or not make comments about smokers.....

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