
Are My Workouts Going To Waste?

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Hey, I'm 15, male, 5'6, 121 pounds. I know a lot about bodybuilding, but I don't know how good my form is when I workout my muscles.

I look on sites and watch the videos and try to imitate the proper form. All my workouts use dumbbells, I don't go to a gym or have machines, but free weights are better anyway.

Sometimes when doing workouts I don't even feel the muscle that is supposed to be worked out working out. Today I was doing 2-handed seated triceps extensions with 15 pounds and I didn't really feel my triceps much.

I kind of felt my shoulders working actually, and it's an isolation exercise for triceps. I tried to imitate the form shown on the site. I don't really feel too tired after workouts either.

After 2-3 months working out I think my body still looks the same, my mom thinks it improved. I gained some weight, I think I went from 115 to 120.

What do I do? Are these workouts going to waste?

Here's the site for the exercise I did by the way:

It's the last one.




  1. prob the form

    either that or your not lifting heavy enough...i figured that out on my own id do like 8-10 or 6-8 with no luck at all lol

    4-6 reps is the best to do....also you might not be on the right exercise routine? i dont really do isolation exercises so i really wouldnt know if it should burn or not...but i think thats a sign need to make put more weight...15 pounds is like nothing...if i was doing dips on parallel bars and i had a dip belt...i would def not use 15 pounds lol maybe like 90 or something idk...but when i weightlift i go till my body doesnt want to anymore for that set...then try for another rep (which i can never get)...i also think isolation there a waste of time and energy because if your doing like bentover rows your using your biceps, lats and trapezius at once which means more muscle growth even tho the work of your biceps isnt signifigant enough to overtrain... but thats just my tell you to do cable pushdowns but you cant i dont think lol... and

    besides abs and calves...calves are 6-8 and abs are either 8-12 or 12-15

    reps should be low with high weight!!!!


    i just read one of your other questions about max ot...

    i didnt know that you had back deff not lift that much, in case you hurt yourself (you dont want that)

    well i think you should just keep it somewhat light at 6-8 reps...anything over 10 and your wasting your time lol


    you dont need to get their supplements...i use 6 star whey and thats it and have gotten good results on i just benched 175 4 times today in gym and last week i was doing 165 for example...and i was stuck on 160 for like 3 weeks till last week and this week...

    and im incline pressing 145 5 times on a bad day lol...before this it was lik 125 or 120 or something like that on a good day...big improvement...the strength moves rather quickly which is why i tell everyone on here to do it (noone ever does and they pick random people with best answer) but id stick to something lighter...cuz i wouldnt wanna overdo it if i was u...just sayin man

  2. Im turning 16 im 5'4 and weigh 110 Ib. 15 pounds is really low, I use to do 15 Ib but now I do 30-40 Ib dumbells. get higher weights and remember less weight more reps = tone, more weight less reps = muscle mass.

  3. It sounds like your doing everything right. Whats happening is your body is getting used to the particualr workout. Your may feel it in your shoulders instead of your triceps the fisrt few times until your shoulders get used to that work out. Its will work its way down your arm. You work outs are not going to waste. Your make a diffrence in your body. Your healthier. The reason your gaining weight is because your burning fat and gaining muscule. Muscule weighs more than fat.

    Your doing good. Keep up the good work.

  4. You obviously are pretty new to bodybuilding/weightlifting. As an isolation exercise, yes, they are supposed to work triceps only. Try recording your workout from the side angle so you can see what you are doing incorrectly.

  5. No your workouts are not going to waste.  Any workout is better than no workout.  But if you have been doing the strength workout and you haven't seen any results Yes I would think your form is all wrong. One way to see if you are getting results are to measure your muscles.  The ones your working on.  Do it once a week.  Start today and do the workouts you have been doing and measure again next Monday.  If there isn't any changes I would suggest you talk to your gym teacher at school.  They can show you lots of great exercises for every body part.  Good Luck!!

  6. im 16 male 5'4 128 pounds.. dude jus keep going for it and ull get weight eventually.... 5 pounds is good for pure muscle not fat in  3 months... body builders usually put on 1 pound a year of LEAN muscle mass (pure muscle)  

  7. eat healthy and exercise.

    that's all u can do.

  8. The hardest thing to do is analyze your own form.  Suggest the following:

    1.  As it sounds like you are exercising at home, get some mirrors and position yourself so you can see your form as you are exercising.

    2.  Get an experienced workout partner to workout with as they can not only analyze your form, they can physically place you in position to get a more effective/ efficient workout

    3.  If you have had surgery, proper form whether assisted or unassisted is going to be a big help.

    4.  Get to where you can flex your muscle in the position and direction that the exercise operates.  This will enable you to focus on just the muscle when you perform the exercise.

    Your isolation exercises should definitely be felt in the muscle the you are working.  If you are feeling the shoulders after a tricep isolation exercise, this means that you are engaging the shoulders too much, or are using too much weight such that you can't focus in on the tricep.

    Once you get your muscle control down, you will see much quicker gains.

    Good luck!!

  9. I dont think its the form. i usually feel sore the next day anyways.but i got a few tips:

    Lift heavy. or heavier everytime you lift so your body deons't get use to the weight.

    Change your execrise every 2 or 3 weeks. So your body won't come  custom with your  routine.

  10. okay, hey this is randy. i've been trying to help you out the past couple weeks i think. i used to be just like you. anyways, i've noticed that you work out a lot. i know that you want to work out as much as possible, (as i used to want), but you HAVE to give your body time to rest. you aren't seeing much gain because you are constantly working your body daily and not getting any rest in. no matter how much protein and supps you take you still have to do some time off or you arent going to see much of any gains. on these rest days, dont eat less either. eat the same amount, still take your protein shake, but dont do strenuous exercise. also how long are you working out for?  

  11. well heres the thing u had that surgery it's tough the reason ur not seeing results is cuz like said before by dont play wit it ur not going heavy and low reps u know that's where muscle building comes in i was told as 15 u wanna work on strength and that's what id recommend to u considering ur surgery and cant lift too heavy if u do u might get hurt so work on strenth stay at same weight increase reps alot do push ups incline decline pull ups not just dumbell exercises my friend does that no weights pull ups crunches push ups and dips that's it he's 5ft 6 151lbs 6% body fat..last time i checked with him which was a week ago he's insane so that's what i say ur doing that exercise right if ur doing it like that its prob ur tricep getting too strong for that low weight i say do body weight exercises get apull up bar do push ups i do it on those step up things for inclined and declined to work my whole chest add these  to ur dumbell exercises unless u feel those are going to waste u want a good workout u wanna feel it try this

    50 close hand pull ups palm facing u

    50 wide hand pull ups palm facing u

    25 close palm away

    25 wide palm away

    take as many sets as u need to do it in

    that's good for back add bicep curls and stuff if u want


    100 inclined

    100 delcined

    100 flat

    50 hands pointing at each other

    50 hands pointing away

    push ups it's intense i do in sets of 20 wait 1 min-2mins in between and i do 100 dips in 4 sets as aworkout if i dont wana do weight

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