
Are Nadal's rituals a means of CONTROLLING matches?

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It is frustrating to his opponents, and frustrating to watch. I know many people have commented on this issue, but it actually seems to be getting worse. I used to enjoy watching him, but all his rituals are slowly wearing me down, which is exactly what he does to his opponents. By the end of the match, you want to pull your hair out. Obviously he is a good player, but all these other things end up overshadowing his game.




  1. oh stop crying. VAMOS RAFA!!!!

  2. the commentators made the point that he works so hard every point that on the longer rallies he deserves a bit of leniency

  3. Personally, I think Sharapova's are worse

    Every Serve (1st and 2nd)

    -two ball bounces (really slow)

    -stand up and look pretty

    -put hair behind ears slowly (always same order)

    -lean back


    And Djokovic's 20 ball bounces are quite annoying too

    In today's match, Nadal was warned for taking too much time between points. Unfortunately it probably won't ever change because it is a ritual. He is so used to it by now that he won't change.

  4. I love you :)

    Rafa outplayed Novak sooo get over it. His tennis was on top form today and he looks very promising for the title.

    Vamos Rafa xxxxxxxxx Spectacular !!!!!!!!!! xxxxx

  5. 99% of tennis players have their own "rituals" , deal with it!

  6. I believe this is just his way to block out the pressure and the nerves from the score, the crowd or his opponent. Nadal takes things one step at a time. He always mentions in his interviews that he doesn't cancel out the fact that he can actually lose at any match--clay, grass, or hardcourt. And as annoying to you as it may seem, these rituals are merely his way of focusing his energies into the game. I'm pretty sure most tennis players have gotten used to the antics of their opponents such as shrieking, bouncing the ball too long, and for Nadal, picking his butt and lining up his bottles. Seriously doubt they're bothered by it THAT much.

    Btw, were you ever really a Nadal fan? You always say that you used to enjoy watching him. I understand if you just grew not to like him that much but why is it that almost all your questions attack Nadal personally? Even Federer respects Nadal and Nadal respects Fed too. So why don't you? I personally respect Federer and Djokovitch even if I'm mostly a Rafa fan.

  7. It's not his rituals that are wearing you down. It's just that he's so good on clay and since your fav player can't defeat him, you need to look for other ways of showing him in poor light. Same thing happens for Nole also.

  8. YOU used to enjoy watching Rafa?

    Ok,it's a good thing it is long after lunch because, if you had asked me to believe that before my morning coffee,there is no way I would have!

    Now,I'm feeling mellow so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say I believe that you once liked Nadal.

    To answer your question seriously.

    Those rituals are a means of controlling HIS nerves and  of concentrating. Look at Rafa during and especially after a match. That guy is almost in a trance. It even takes him a a while to come back from wherever it is he goes. Part of his success is due to his phenomenal concentration.

    Rafa wears down his opponents by his incredible game not by lining up water bottles and scratching his butt. Any player who can be defeated by this shouldn't even be playing pro tennis!

    The only thing that would overshadow his game is if he were to be a smart - a*s ,spoiled brat , loud mouth braggart and THAT he is not! Only Federer overshadows his game and on clay,no one does!

  9. Oh pleease! Get over it.U just can't help hating on Rafa , can ya?

    He defeated Djokovic today with  JUST TENNIS, and NO! he didn't even have to wear him down bcoz he beat him in straight-friggin-sets.


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