
Are National abolishing the Maori seats?

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Are National abolishing the Maori seats?




  1. In a word ... yes ...  (eventually).

    I have included a link below to the relevant part of the National Party website which discusses this point.

  2. Hi ??Wabby??

    They may very well do, but I don't think it will be in the near future.

    The Labour Party probably will think about it too once all their support from Ratana, Ringatu et al has gone over to the Maori Party.

    The party that the Maori Seats affects least is the Maori Party, and they will be the very ones who will want to hang on to the for as long as possible.

    The seats are a joke to democracy and should have been phased out 100 years ago once the population of Maori in the country recovered from the predations of the New Zealand Wars and the pakeha-introduced diseases.


    Edited at the request of an answerer.

    Pre-European Maori had had no exposure to chicken pox, measles, syphilis, gonorrhea, tuberculosis, and a host of other (what may be known as common) European ailments. They had no natural immunity and therefore were very susceptible when they came into contact with a range of visitors carrying the infections. They caught the diseases and between about 1830 and 1910, they died in large numbers.

    Of course, those who have grown up with these diseases in their communities can carry the infections even if they themselves don't have the disease.

    Driver T

  3. That has been on their agenda for an number of years and they raise the issue from time to time.

  4. I haven't heard anything lately, but they have talked about it in the past.

  5. No they are abolishing all the Pakeha seats, and they are building a new Maori Pa, and the dress suitable for cabinet ministers will be the piupiu, feather cloak and slippers.

    Driver T: What European introduced diseases exactly?

    Something itchy like a flea?

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