
Are Native Americans Eurasian?

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Are Native Americans a mix between Europeans and Asians looking at the DNA? I myself am Native American for those who want to say I'm "offending" them.




  1. It's very likely that "Native American" peoples are the original peoples of many continents, and that they come from the healthiest original DNA spring: the African populace. The natives populated many countries, Eastern and Western, before wars may even have swept down and eliminated them.

    So in a way, you could be right: the native peoples are all primordial humans--the beginning of what we see now.

  2. More Asian than European.  They migrated over what is now the Bering Strait (but was once dry land) tens of thousands of years ago.

  3. According to most theories which have actuall archeological proof to them, the first native Americans are from Siberia, However, one cannot think of the populating of the americas as a one and done kind of deal, for thousands of years people continued to come to the americas from different places in Eurasia. Also the "races" which we think of today have not been around for that long, they are adaptations/results of genetic drift which meant they took some time to develop, so native americans came from Eurasia alot of them directly from Siberia which can be attested to by MtDNA and archeological evidence, but Siberians were not Wholly "white" or "Asian" when this happened. I hope this in some way helps answer your question.

  4. mtDNA evidence finds that Asian / Siberian origins are most prevalent, BUT recent mtDNA evidence finds a mixed-in mysterious non-Asian / non- circumpacific / non - Siberian lineage.

  5. I am not abig fan of the clovis theory, the natives from theartic region used a flater longer blade mounted on a spear for throwing and striking.Now theses were not long blades but more of a three to four inches imbeded in wood ivory or bone with many blades instead of one primary blade. The points prefered by the europians were the standard snap base. I think that when clovis hit it  was lke turning on the first light bulb. the science of making them far outstripped the people who introduced them and I belive those people were the europians,who followed the ice she e,t  and into the u.s. and canada

  6. Both skeletal remains and DNA indicate that Asia was the place where the vast majority of the current occupants came from.  There is also migration of other animals.   I suspect that many more came on boats but there is very little evidence for this.  The near shore environment is very rich and they certainly would have exploited it.  It makes for a much easier route in my opinion.   I think the people 10,000 plus years ago were much smarter than most give them credit for.

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