
Are Native Americans still part Asian?

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I was reading this article and I was wondering if we Native Americans still have an Asian lineage?

If not what is it?




  1. Yes Native American still are a part Asian.  Or rather they are the original Native Asian, who left Asia, and ended up in  America.  Unless they have married out side of their culture, they are still the original people.  Now Spanish, English blood intermingle, but it still does not take away their heritage, unless they wanted to  loose it.   Mongols I think, I could be wrong.

  2. fell out one day 10,000 years ago.

    (In my own opinion) I doubt they/you were ever actually "Asian." Maybe there is just a common ancestral group between them and they parted ways long ago. Who knows. I mean why should people assume that "Asian" is a master race over them... What if it's the other way around?

  3. Am sure there was older races that we will never encounter today because they disappeared when the mongoloid Asians started to invade them

  4. Yes, Native Americans are primarily Haplogroups A, B, C and D, all Asian in origin.

    The one exception is that 2.5% of Native Americans have Haplogroup X, which is European!

    Have your DNA tested, to see what you are!

  5. Some believe they came over on the land bridge. If this is the case, then yes. But i'm pretty sure this is an ongoing debate.

    I'd say they're just "native american". The aboriginal people of the Americas.

  6. Lineage, yes. But geographic isolation did make the Native American bloodtype unique, in all the world.

  7. when the first population to inhabit the americas came, the races which we know of today did not exist. However, did most of the ancestral population of the Americas migrate from the regional area today known as Asia? yes they did, but by the time their migration started mongoloid and European "races" had only very very recently differentiated, which means the original native Americans were probably more of a mixture between Europeans and "Asian" (by the way never use the term Asian, the phetnotypical and Genetic differences among "Asians" is so vast that the term "Asian really has no descriptive meaning). Many Anthropologists can point to the Native population in the Yakusk region of Russia as probably being a relative population of the orginal inhabitants of the Americas.

  8. You know, items like that ignore the mitochondrial DNA haplotype X in native Americans that could only have come from south Western Europe over 20,000 years ago, and the Australoid remains in South America (Lucia), and the Ainu DNA that's shown up in West coast native Americans.

    It also doesn't mention that human remains over 35,000 years old have been found in South America. It's a pretty inaccurate item, actually.



  9. Yes Native American are of asian decent.  As few as 20 people are said to have crossed  a land bridge (made of ice) from northern asia.  All of the americans with native people are related to asian.  But to be most correct it should be said that all people come from africa.  So to follow the genetic evidence to answer your question we are all african.  This is true.  (Not so modern) science classified people in the 1400's - late 1900's by appearance and color The science of genetics has isolated the common ancestory to groups of people in Afica.   Present day markers can pin point race but the dna is so small.  There is changes of environment and subtle regional difference as time progress genes do as well.  However, we should be calling it the human race.

  10. I would say this,

    You are of "American lineage" in the meaning that all Native AMericans are indigenous to North and South America. I think the first Native Americans came from South Asia, and there is also a small body of evidence that some Native American tribes, have North and East African origins (like the Egyptians, Ethiopians, and Nubians). It would explain the building of pyramids in South America.

  11. I consider anybody born in the western hemisphere as a native American.  Some are Asian, some are not.

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