
Are Native Cigarettes healthier than store bought?

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That is the key here...I know cigarettes are ot "healthy" at all....but please note the question asks are they "healthier"?




  1. Really, not so much.  All tobacco is bad, but they might be not as bad due to the fact that they might not have all of the chemicals added.

    I answered the question correctly.....READ the second sentence.

  2. NO cigarettes r healthy! they smell gross and p**s everyone else off around u!

  3. There is no such thing as a "healthy" cigarette.

    EDIT:  The American Spirit Cigarette is made by the Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Co,  They pride themselves in producing a cigarette that is 100% additive free, which means utilyzing some organic farming methods.  Their farming methods are  much healthier for the environment.  the cost of their product is much healthier for your pocketbook.

    But in terms of personal health, no, their product is no more "healthy" than other cigarettes unless you have a specific sensitivity to the preservatives or additives of non-organic cigarettes.  It is the tar in cigarettes that leads to illness and disease in smokers, and American Spirit cigs. have just as much tar as all other brands.

    Nicotine is about as harmful as caffeine. Nicotine does not cause health problems, it just causes addiction which leads you to the nicotine-delivery-system of the cigarette, which leads you to inhale more tar, which is what will harm you.

    Visit the American Spirit web site here:

    See all the interesting disclaimers they have including, "Smoking all natural or organic tobaccos does not reduce the serious health risks of smoking."  And, "No additives in our tobacco does not mean a safer cigarette."  Natural does not mean safe or healthy.

    So to answer your question, no, Native Cigarettes are NOT healthier than store bought.

  4. I had heard that American Spirit (the "native american" cigarettes) did not have additives in them.  The problem is, i believe they have recently been acquired by R.J. Reynolds.  I would not wish an R.J. Reynolds product on my worst enemy.  They are known for adding thousands of chemicals to their products.  Check this out for yourself, though to make sure.  You can still find unadulterated cigarette tobacco, though.  

    Also, I have heard that the "nitrogen:sugar ratio" is a factor in getting lung cancer.  If the sugar level is high and the nitrogen is low in the tobacco, you're more likely to get lung cancer.  

    The reason for this:  There were supposedly studies done to try to figure out why Asians and some other groups of people had lower lung cancer rates than Americans.  They found out it was the TYPE of tobacco that they were smoking.

    Virginia tobacco has high sugar content.  Turkish tobacco does not.  Burley does not.  There are others that do not have a high sugar content.  Most american tobaccos are mixed with the Virginia tobacco because of its sweet taste...which is due to its high sugar content.

    The reason I mention all this is because it appears that you want to be healthier about smoking.  

    So to answer your question, American Spirit cigarettes WERE healthier than say Marlboro, Lucky Strike, Camel, Kool, Basic...etc...just because they didn't have all those additives.  ****  Also, American Spirit uses Virginia tobaccos.  

    I'm not going on a rant about smoking CIGARETTES not being healthy because you already know that.  

    Good luck and enjoy yourself!!  : )

  5. cigarettes are bad. :( real bad

  6. Not sure what a Native cigarette is but ready rolled cigarettes have quite a lot of nasty additives so they are slightly worse than hand rolled cigarettes. At the end of the day it's the tar and nicotine which do most of the damage though so it's not going to make much difference, if any.

    Oh, and to other answerers: The question was whether they were healthIER, not whether they were healthY.

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