
Are Navajos Siberian or Mongolian?

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I have read that they have a very similar culture to Siberians and Mongolians and I've read that Navajos have claimed that they are Mongolians in America, I myself am Navajo so does this evidence show that I have a Siberian or Mongolian bloodline?




  1.  Dear friends and relatives,

    I am Deg Hit'an Dine from Yukon and Kuskoquim Rivers of Alaska. I have been told by National Science Foundation personnel living in Beijing China that my language, the Athabascan language is also spoken by several ethnic minorities of China. Would anyone know anything of this? I am preparing to write an article of this to connect the Native Americans with the Mongolian, Siberians and these few Chinese. 

  2. The 5th world Dine are mixtures of RED/WHITE (Caucasian0 race of people; European mtDNA/Navajos have x1 in genes; solutrean by maritime Atlantic coast make sense to me; by Artic migration.., out of Africa by M & M1 to N to O to X'ssss..,

    The Navajo tradition say that the White and Dine (Athabaskan) are the same people; Is "China" can be spelled as "Jinia" or Hajina or Ch'inina..,'we left there or what..???????

  3. i am 4/4 navajo, just a general citizen of the united states, no outstanding merits or achievements. i think, that the mongolians and the navajos' language are very similar.

  4. The Navajo language has nothing in common with Mandarin or any other Chinese dialect.  Most of the posters here have no idea about Navajo language, culture or genetics.  I speak Navajo and Chinese so I would know.   In terms of ethnicity Navajos share more in common with Siberians, and Central Asians such as Mongols, Kets, (where there is serious scholarly research showing linguistic ties) and Kazaks.  And cursory look at traditional Mongolian , Siberian Kazak, Kyrgyz and other Altai cultures will put to rest any European origin theory.  Google these ethnic groups look at the images and articles and see the connection.  When you look at the globe from the equator North America seems to be far away from  Central Asia but when you look at the world from the Northern and artic hemisphere, Siberia, Central Asia and North America are much much closer than North America is to Europe. The fact that Native peoples of Alaska consider Siberia to be basically their territory ( a short canoe paddle) and populations of the same people live and still have relations between on both sides of the Bering straight. (Thats why Native peoples in Alaska speak SIBERIAN Yupik!)  Any other view point is too much influenced by European thinking and not enough by  Native AmerSiberianthinking.

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