
Are Nikon DSLR users annoyed?

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We hear all this talk of Nikon leading the way with the D3 and D700 blah blah blah.

I just wonder if the nikon users are annoyed when they put a DX lens on their nice new bodies and only get 5MP?

Do they ever wish they had bought canon instead? (Highest res DSLR with the EOS 1Ds Mk3, highest burst rate with the EOS 1D mk3? a 15MP camera with either digital or EF lenses for less than the D700?)




  1. I bet Canon users get annoyed when their mirror falls off and wish they bought a Nikon.

    Edit This question is an example why I say canon users are annoying.

  2. > I just wonder if the nikon users are annoyed when they put

    > a DX lens on their nice new bodies and only get 5MP?

    Not really, if you absolutely, positively want to use a DX lens on a FF Nikon body, you can. Try using a Canon EF-S lens on a FF Canon dSLR. It won't work.

    Nikon trounces Canon in this regard - you can use any Nikon lens made since 1959 on a D700/ D3. Canon on the other hand changed their mount in 1986 with zero backwards compatibility.

    > Do they ever wish they had bought canon instead?

    > Highest res DSLR with the EOS 1Ds Mk3,

    Again, not really. The 1Ds Mk3 was available long before the D700 & D3, so anybody who needed 22MP would have already purchased a 1Ds Mk3.

    If you need more than 12 MP, get a Canon. If you need more than 22MP get a medium format digital back or use medium/ large format film. Different tools for different jobs.

    I will grant you that some Nikon users were annoyed that it took Nikon so long to announce FF bodies. Several photographers did switch. At the moment however, several Canon users are switching to Nikon because the D700 and D3 are better in other areas.

    > highest burst rate with the EOS 1D mk3

    It´s 9FPS for the D3 vs. 10 for the 1D Mk3. With the Nikon D3 you can  get 11FPS at 5MP. That's not a decisive advantage for either camera. (The 1Ds Mk3 with 22 MP only reaches 5 FPS)

    > a 15MP camera with either digital or

    > EF lenses for less than the D700

    By that reasoning the Nikon Coolpix P6000 (a point & shoot) must be better than the Canon Canon 1D Mk 3 that you were praising just a moment ago - it's got more megapixels and it's a heck of a lot cheaper.

    Sorry, but the 50D is not better than the D700. Even the board of directors at Canon would agree with that and inform you that the 50D isn't even intended to compete with the D700. It's nearest competitor in the Nikon lineup is the D300.

    Canon and Nikon both make excellent products but you can't randomly pit any Canon model against any Nikon model and pretend to make a meaningful comparison.


    Additional details:

    D'oh! You're good!

  3. the answerers above seem not to be annoyed and still very loyal to their brand


  4. In this age of high speed obsolescence its easy to look at the D200 my mate bought and happily rubbed my nose in and get jealous,


    I look at the results I get from my 6MP Nikon D70 and compare it with my Olympus OM10 and love my D70 even more.

    I really really love my D70 :-)

    I would have bough a Canon but they didn't have any in stock at the time so I went for the Nikon.

    Absolutely no regrets!

  5. YESSS!!

  6. I can use DX lenses on a D700 and D3.  I can also use full-frame AF lenses, and manual AI lenses with full metering.

    Am I annoyed?  Yes, I'm annoyed at Canon (and Nikon) users who boast about their personal choice, knocking the well-thoughtout decisions of others.

    Here's a nice comparison chart between the Nikon D3 and the Canon EOS-1 Ds Mark III.  By the way, I have to concede to Canon the annual award for longest camera name. :)  

    $3000 is not exactly pocket change.  And for that difference, one can get some pretty satisfying glass (lenses) to bring their creative visions to life.

    p.s.  His name is "fhotoace", not "photoace".   It's all in the details...

  7. Not really .. my first professional DSLR had only 5MP and it was plenty.  Actually the way Nikon handles DX lenses is far more elegant than the way Canon handles the EF-S lenses on its full frame cameras.

    The Canon lenses just vignette so all the images have to be cropped post production, where as the Nikon image files are ready to go.  Since most of our work is on deadline and the least amount of time I have to spend in post production the better, the way Nikon handles DX lenses on their FX cameras is excellent ... good on them, besides the clean high ISO found on the Nikons and the fact that out of the 12 Nikon lenses I own, only two are DX ... the rest I can use on my F4 and F5 as well make them the camera of choice

    This question is much to do about nothing, but I guess there are those who still swallow the megapixel myth ... after all this time.  Amazing.

    Burst rates:  


    Mark III = 5 fps JPEG, 3 fps RAW

    5D = 6.3 fps

    50D = 3 fps


    D3 = 9 fps full frame, 11 fps DX

    D700 = 5 fps full frame, 8 fps DX

    D90 = 4.5 fps.

    Since most pros bought their Canon's or Nikon's years ago and technology changes so fast, IF there is a perceived advantage of Nikon over Canon, it only lasts 18 to 24 months.  We basically go with what we know and since perfect exposures is dependent upon being able to read the meter and trust it, Canon users tend to stick with Canon and Nikon users tend to stick with Nikon, because while both camera companies have excellent meters, reading them has always been a little quirky when moving from one to the other.  Something that a pro has to depend on without having to adjust their shooting style.

    Many Canon and Nikon shooters would not switch brands even if the other company was to offer to change out straight across the board, camera body for camera body, lens for lens and flash unit for flash unit.

    Think of having 150,000 hours on a 767 and having to learn to fly an Airbus ... they are both excellent aircraft and aerodynamics is aerodynamics, but the devil is in the detail.

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