
Are NoDoze pills a safe way to pull an all nighter during college finals?

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Are NoDoze pills a safe way to pull an all nighter during college finals?




  1. You definitely get a good nights sleep so that you are more aware during your finals. Trust me I have the same problem and I really stress out at finals time and I always do better with a good nights sleep.

  2. Understand that they are addictive, and that your body builds up a tolerance.  When I was in my first year of law school, I started taking 1 or 2 a day, then 4-5 chased with a cup of coffee, and by finals, I was taking 5 in the morning, another 5 at lunch, and another 5 after dinner so I could study well past midnight.  Stupid - really poor judgment on my part.  I don't know if there are mortality rates associated with caffeine in high doses, but I know in my case it was stupid because as an adult, I have developed high blood pressure (and caffeine exacerbates that).  I count myself lucky that I didn't have a stroke.  Be careful.

  3. taking large amounts of caffeine can be bad for your heart

    and some of your other organs

    taking large amounts of caffeine did not help me

    I found myself to jittery and I could not sit still and the next day I could not make it through class.

    I found what worked for me was to make the following tea

    you can drink up to 3 cups a day for up to 3 months it always got me through exams. when I needed to think and retain more info

    ginseng and green tea will help to sharpen concentration even in very elderly

    ginseng and green tea

    if you go to an Oriental grocery store they tend to have the best quality or a good natural food store

    for one cup of tea great 1/2 tsp of fresh ginseng

    add 1/4 to 1/2 tsp of green tea leaves

    pour boiling water over this and let sit for 5 to 10 Min's strain and drink you can add honey if you wish.

    do not drink after 5 pm or have  more than 3 cups a day or you could have sleep problems

    when I had to stay up all night I would drink a cup at night.

    I also did this when I worked nights so I could stay awake and think

  4. I take no doze quite regularly when I DJ at all night clubs however I have nothing on the next day. They are simply just strong caffeine to help you stay awake.

    If you have exams the next day I would say don't take them and get a good sleep so you are fresh the next day otherwise you will be far too tired to think clearly.

    Good Luck on your exams!!

  5. studying for a little and getting sleep is better than no sleep and lots of studying...... there is scientific proof.. get some sleep

  6. seriously you dont wanna turn up to an exam without any sleep! i go to university and ive done afew exams without any sleep and my marks were really bad.

    you should start studying for your exams 1 month before the scheduled date.

    ive tried no dose. they made me vomit

  7. i find caffeine to be a ineffective and unpleasant drug to use to stay awake i would ask a friend for some adderall

  8. Do not stay up all night for tests. You're brain absolutely needs ~7 hrs to absorb all of the studying you've done during the previous day of the test. If you're working on a project, I would say the same thing, but since those 7 hrs are probably crucial to getting your project done, then do it in doses. Work for 3 hrs, take a 45 min nap, work another 3 hrs, etc. Don't take no doze, it'll make you feel like you're on crack and it'll make you sick to your stomach. Drink coffee, coffee is also great for stimulating your memory during a test. So if it is a test, skip the coffee tonight, do some studying tonight, get a lot of sleep if possible, drink a couple cups of coffee tomorrow morning for the test. When you miss out on sleep, you're brain can't take data from your 'working memory' (information you've just read/studied about) and put it into your long term memory, which is where it needs to be in order to recall it for a test.

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