
Are Norm Chad and Lon MacCaren actually watching and commenting on hands live at the WSOP..?

by Guest63462  |  earlier

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I don't see anyway that it is feasible for them to be commenting live on hands as they occur. Think about the Main Event alone. It's what, 7 days long? Going for 10+ hours a day? I find it very hard to beleive that Norm and Lon are sitting in some sound proof booth looking at the hole-cam and commenting live on hands for hours and days on end. Not to mention all of the other events that get televised. I think it is much more likely that their commentary is added in to the footage during post production.

Has anyone every been a spectator at the WSOP? Did you see Norm and Lon in some booth?




  1. I would have to think that they are edited and commentary done in post-production, as others have suggested.  However, I DO remember watching a televised poker event about 2-3 years ago on ESPN in a tropical location.  Lon and Norm were doing commentary, and they did a wide shot of the final table and surrounding scenery (it looked like it was at an outdoor pool area of a fancy resort), and they were only sitting 10 feet or less from the table!  I dunno if they were doing live commentary, or just watching, but both had headsets on.  Who knows.

  2. no. they dont watch the events and comment on them while they happen. most hands need absolutely no commentary at all. also because only a select few of exciting hands are televised so TV editors scale it down and someone usually writes the script for Lon and Norman to read later.

  3. i suggest you dont gamble

  4. Nope it is edited  

    so that will give them little time to edit the final table..when they do the final table in November

  5. It's edited.  The film crew takes hundreds of hours of the main event and then the two comment on parts of that video.  Thus they always seem to have action on every hand they call and that's how they get so many tables involved in the hands they call.

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