
Are Obama's supporters angry that he has no executive experience?

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But that Sarah Palin does? Because he is a member of a Congress with a 9% approval rating, and she is a Governor with an 82% approval rating?

What say you?




  1. I can tell it bothers them to no end that our VP candidate even has more experience than their POTUS candidate.  They're bashing her all over the place.  (Someone cloned you, by the way, a lib.)

  2. obama is much to do about nothing,hot air flip flop obama will be out soon ,the funny thing is he is arrorant he made a whole lot of promises he can't possibily keep now the time has come to deliver and obama has nothing left in his bag of tricks tee hee! what were the people drinking when they gave him his 9 % approval rating? let me see oprah 6%,michelle obama 2%,pelosi 1%! the thing with oprah is she want to own a piece of the white house that's her only motive she hate black that's a quote from 50 cent!

  3. Actually her rating is only 67% as of july and mayor and 20 months as Gov sure the h**l don't impress me

    Her pick also says alot about McCain, basically he's desperate and not very astute, he put her in this role to try to pull Clinton supporters but her stance on issues is the Polar opposite of Clinton

    I think I smell an easier ride to victory for camp Obama/Biden thanks to John Boy's foolish decision

    Sarah Palin will be the gift that keeps on giving

  4. Neither does McCain and I really don't put much stock in it. Bush had executive experience from running a real state, and he is an idiot.

  5. Big "T' the Democrats can push, pull and squeeze and then

    blow up the balloon called Obama,

  6. no...

    are Republicans going to run on two year's of executive experience of a VP alone? because that seems to be what they are saying...

    Obama says: "we need change from Bush policies"

    Republican reply: "Our VP has two year's executive experience"

    I like how this is going...

    why didn't you guys nominate Romney if executive experience is of such unimmaginable importance? oh, that's right... it's not that important... and you guys know that...

  7. I say Palin is a bone thrown to the right wing nut cases, an anti-woman woman and a religious loon.  

    I doubt that Obama's supporters are angry about anything, at this moment.

  8. What a great question and I'm sure that is part of it.  As we will see they spin her right out of the Governor's chair and back to the "city council" or mayors office of the "small town."  And they still don't realize a small town mayor makes more decisions in a week then a senator does in a year.

    But you have to love those approval ratings.  Still to answer your question I think they are mad because McCain out campaigned them yesterday.  He stole their day in the sun; the day they intended to bask in the media "glow" of the night before.  McCain took it right away from them and gave the media a story they couldn't possibly pass up.  NICE JOB MCCAIN.

  9. It's the people with executive experience that scare me.  We don't need more of the same.  Luckily there are prerequisites for being president.  Her approval rating is so high because Alaskans are just happy to have a women.  No one in there right mind would live there, much less a women. 4 more months!!  4 more months!!

  10. there's a difference bwteen being a govenor of a state and the vice president of a country first of all. And second of all why should we base our votes on who has the most experienced. I just want someone who can bring these d**n prices down so i can go shopping again.

  11. No they are not angry. Using your own logic, she also has more executive experience than McCain, her boss.

  12. Maybe, but I really think Conservatives should not rub it in so much to the Liberals, because it isn't going to change their minds to vote for the right person, it's just going to make them mad enough, that they just might try to hire some illegal aliens to vote for their candidate Obama. Unfortunately, it's done all the time.

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