
Are Obama's supporters setting back the women's movement by saying Palin she be a stay at home mom?

by Guest44674  |  earlier

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I thought the liberals were the one's who were SO in favor of equality for women and women's rights?

What a disgrace there are to the women's movement in this country!




  1. Dems are not saying anything

  2. the liberals are in a panic and the only thing they can do is attack. don't worry, let them have their fun, it's all going to blow up in their faces. running scared is not a good place to be huh?

  3. I think part of the whole point behind the women's movement was that women should be able to choose whether or not to work.  In no way does that imply that they shouldn't also have the choice to stay home.

    I'm guessing that you're probably just a troll, but I'll just point out anyway that it's "s*x" not "secks" and I don't think that either g*y people or providers of abortion are interested in having s*x in front of little children.  Although I'm still not sure what that comment had to do with your actual question.

  4. On the contrary its McCain and Palan who have created a farce to study in college politics 101. Palin illustrates everything wrong with a sexiest society and women who sell themselves to the devil for a buck or promotion. She is power hungry beyond the scope of Machiavellian methodology. Palan is no Hillary Clinton!

  5. I am not going to tell her to stay home. She can hire a nanny for all I care.

  6. Liberals only think that other liberal women can join the elite. Heaven forbid a conservative woman moves up in the world. The same thing occured with Clarence Thomas. Black and female conservatives are not really black or woman. Only true blacks or females are liberals. all others have sold their souls to the white man.

    Liberals want all of the power and want to tell us how to live our lives.

    Enough of the Abortion stuff anyways. It should be up to local government whether or not it is legal it has no place in the federal government to decide. READ YOUR CONSTITUTION

  7. NO.

    First of all since when do ALL women think it is great for a mother to work and raise a family?

    I personally feel that I brought children into his world, I should do my job and raise them to be good citizens. NOTHING comes before my children.  I think these days too many children do not get enough attention from their parents.  I gave birth to my children you better believe they come before anything else in my life.

    Some women cannot afford not to work of course.

    However I think it is very respectable for a mother to stay at home and actually shows a STRONG woman who puts her children BEFORE her own needs and wants.  

    Not all who are "liberal" think the same, we aren't robots.

    And I DO believe in a woman's right to choose to have an abortion and do believe that if women do work they deserve equal pay.

  8. They are showing their true colors now and it's pretty disgusting.

  9. Don't you think Palin is putting women back oh say a few hundred years !  Look at her beliefs...she is about taking choices away from people...mainly women and the g*y community !

  10. No.

    Is Palin doing women a favour saying they shouldn't have birth control and risk women dying in childbirth cause they don't have medical insurance?


    Thank God I live in Canada because neither I nor my three children would be alive today if I was an American I'm sure of it.

    It's my body, my right to choose what I do with it, and thank God my country loves me enough to put ME first.

    Why don't you spread facts instead of sensationalism.

  11. What women's movement? The movement to elect an alarmingly unqualified, nutjob hockey mom?

  12. If your high school has 3,000 students ,your community owes them 3,000 and more jobs every summer.If you can not do that just pluck their eye out so they will not find themselves on the battle field next summer.And your girl can go to college to learn how to fill out a social services form.

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