
Are Obama Supporters upset that Palin can deliver a complete speech without a teleprompter?

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and Obama can't put three words together without one. Well unless the words are um. Yes he is a wonderful speaker until the he is ask a direct question and then he stammers and stutters. It is funny as h**l to watch.




  1. Her speech was mediocre at best

  2. Obama is the greatest speaker to ever walk the earth.

  3. I'll just say that Sarah Palin has more executive experience than Obama and Biden put together!

    One more thing... There's something I get from her. Maybe it's the heart and honesty of a person that lives on the frontier. Does that make sense to anyone? It's hard to explain but for some reason I trust her more than any other person in the race.

    Any way, I think McCain made an excellent choice!

    Americans for America

    McCain/Palin for America

  4. He is upset about the speech, he should be upset that she is more qualified to be president than he is. And he should be upset that his own camp started throwing around the, "she is not qualified" rhetoric, especially since it was less than one day since his own speech praised some of the presidents with no experience.

    He looks stupid, and is looking more stupid everyday!

  5. Yes they should.  

  6. No.  She memorized it before hand.  She didn't give it off the cuff like Obama has had to when asked direct questions.  We'll see if Palin can go stammer-less until Election Day.  My money is on that she doesn't.

  7. Haha

    Obama must be mystified at how she does it.  

  8. I'm sure the DNC doesn't like Palin's confidence in public speaking. Palin is the perfect running mate for McCain. I have new found respect for McCain tonight. Palin is a real person. She's not a lawyer and she will work for what is best for Americans.

  9. Good observation. You know it honks'm off.

    She probably even knows how many US states there are.  

  10. I can not wait until Palin and Bidin debate he going win!

  11. I know you're right, without a teleprompter he is lost..  Palin was direct did not one time say uum. I love her already. You better believe Obama supporters are upset. First off, no one spoke about his speech yesterday, it was overshadowed by the wonderful Mc Cain announcement.  I sure don't remember what Obama said on his speech at all. What a shame for the Obama's supporters..  

  12. Yep.  Because Obama has other people tell him what to do.  Palin actually knows how to take charge.  I bet Palin would smoke Obama in a debate.

  13. you do not need a teleprompter  to  beech.

  14. No I think they're upset that McCain actually can remember Hillary ran in dem primary and that picking a woman might draw former Hillary supporters.  

  15. oh he is such an eloquent speaker... with the words being fed to him... as i have said before- Obama says nothing, but he says nothing beautifully!

    McCain/Palin '08!

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