
Are Obamas policies so vague because he knows he doesn't have a chance or because they would give him no ?

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  1. His policies are vague because that's the only way he could convince millions of people to believe in his "change".  If he was actually specific about his true agenda, he would be run out of town on a rail.

  2. No chance!

    He likes to mask his higher taxes with the word "change"

    He definitely is about alot of "change" though, because he changes his policies alot.  Well that is when he actually addresses them instead of saying, "well the way it should be..."  or "well if they did this..."

    Hey Obama lets get some straight answers here and quite mocking a man who is an actual american and gave up his freedom longer to let other POWs free.  

    Aleferny you are pathetic!  Obama is barely winning the polls.  Technically this is supposed to be the democrats year.  Obama should be stomping McCain in the polls, but the truth is the people just don't know about him.  Now with Biden, another inexperienced senator, I'm sure he doesn't stand a chance.

  3. OBAMA 08

  4. They are not vague....if YOU find them vague it is b/c you are not reading the detail. Often, stump speeches would be incredibly boring and never pick up media soundbites if the candidate discussed policy for 45 minutes. Both candidates--and nearly all candidates in the past--have talked about their vision of America's future in their speeches....not a whole litany of policy measures. There is a complete policy manual that goes into all of the details. It is available on his website free of charge.

  5. Obama is vague so he can continuously change his political platform due to the company he's in to keep everyone in a medicated and happy state.

  6. Maybe you should go to his website and research it for yourself instead of judging what he says based on short little sound bytes the corporate media spoons out to you.  They are far from being vague.  They are very good policies well written out.

    Obama '08

  7. theyre vague cuz theyre meant to appeal to the majority, even though not everyone may agree with his methods of getting there

  8. Either he has not much policy experience and can't talk much about it, or the policies are too hard to explain.

    I mean, John McCain says Obama will raise taxes, Obama says he is going to lower then.....but who wants to reduce government spending on useless c**p???  Probably Obama.

    I vote Ron Paul, not only for legalization of marijuana, but he is a servant of the people and is looking to overhaul the way the government works...which is the main problem.

  9. you mean vague like your question or lack of premise????  

    be specific about your thoughts about Obama.... if he doesn't have a chance why is he winning every single poll???  how do you think it is possible that the majority of Americans are going to vote for a 72 year old war-mongering lunatic who by his own admission knows nothing about economics, wants to stay in Iraq for 100 years, and thinks 5 million dollars makes a person rich!!!!!!!?????  

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