
Are Offshore Drilling and Drilling in ANWR Just More Corruption?

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No one fought harder for ANWR than Senator Stevens, who is currently under indictments for several fraudulent activities, most of which concerned his trading favors with an oil company. As for Offshore Drilling, John McCain voted against it just a month ago, only to make it his most important issue currently. What's going on? Are the corrupt and twisted members of our leadership set to make another killing, perhaps huge donations from Big Oil, perhaps a few more junkets to exotic islands with the wife and kids? It seems as though McCain's view of every issue has flipped, then flopped, especially since he became a Bush supporter. Why should we trust John McCain, the King of Flip Floppers, who has voted against just about every issue he is now supporting? What exorbitant profits do oil companies envision for the future, at the expense of the American taxpayer?




  1. So you like gas at 4.00+ a gallon, more expensive goods, food and services and that the poor will freeze due to the cost of heating oil?

  2. Yep,that's all it is more lies from corporate businessmen. Selling their tonic water to a bunch of dumb and desperate suckers. They are lying, just like Bear Sterns was lying about it's books and all the other emron's and worldcoms and Global Crossings etc.

    Let's not even get started on the no bid contracts in Iraq!

  3. 1.  We start drilling.

    2.  The other Big Oil's that we currently buy from - will go "oh c**p!  we ain't gettin paid!"   - due to our decreased demand for their oil.

    3.  The other Big Oil's lower their prices to get us to continue to support them economically.

    4.  We stop drilling

    5.  They raise prices again - we start drilling get the picture

    These gas prices along with the housing crisis are taking us into a huge recession.  I myself have a recession proof job - but, many many others do not.  People who are making minimum wage CANNOT AFFORD these ridiculous prices.  What are they supposed to do??  Not work - to save money in gas??

    The profits will be at a lower cost to the American taxpayer than what we are currently paying to the current Big Oils.

  4. Not corruption but just misleading solutions to a gigantic problem, oil in short supply for the next 50 years.  There is no Plan B.

    Obama's solution?  Inflate your tires.

  5. If increased domestic oil production takes place, it will likely increase supply, and therefore likely decrease prices.  Do you want lower gas?  We all do, this is one answer to high gas prices to tide us over as oil's reign expires.  It would create a better atmosphere for transititioning to alternative energy sources by relieving the burden on Americans, and most especially, investors.

    Note that the other prominent candidate, Obama, has announced his willingness to compromise on increased domestic production.

  6. No, Increasing our oil production at home is just good for America no matter who supports it. If Stevens is guilty throw the book at him, corrupt people need to be punished. The fact is in a free market more supply equals lower prices. We need to increase production of oil, increase refining capacity, build nuclear power plants, develop alternative and renewable fuels all at the same time. Get the government out of the way and let the free market solve the problem.

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