
Are Old People basically the only people who follow a religion?

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many of the young people today are atheists (1.1 billion are atheists)but many old people are not.

Does that mean religion is slowly being wiped of from the face of the earth?




  1. No, the vulnerable everywhere turn to religion - that's why you see it in areas of great poverty and disease.

    Not that it helps them though

  2. No but old people appreciate it because they have alot of wisdom and they know religion is the right way to go.

  3. This is the sad reality. The path is narrow and few find it. There most definitely are a lot of young religious people out there however.  

  4. I am not old and I'm a religious person. My children believe in God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I think that if you don't believe that Jesus died for you it doesn't matter your age you will h**l. As far as the older generation believing they are more in-tuned to what God wants for them. We as christians could learn a lot from the older generation.

  5. Hah hah

    just because I don't attend services at a church you make up my mind that I am atheist.  Maybe I can't afford to burn the gasoline to drive my car to church

  6. I dont believe that if i'm evil God will smite me. I just believe i shouldn't be evil. Instead of fearing God, I just try to be a decent person. I personally don't believe in God or religion. I think the Bible just shows how to be a good person, and that is what im going to try and be without fearing h**l.

  7. There are many in the younger generations that follow Christianity, praise God. And, as more atheists see the truth of Christianity, those numbers will change.

    Just remember which of us has Almighty God on our side.

  8. Too many young people are still being brainwashed by their parents but I believe that with education they can overcome the ignorance.

  9. I question your numbers and also "many of the young people."  Maybe that's where you live and/or the people you know.  I know many young people who are religious.  No, religion is not being wiped from the face of the earth.  

  10. Not necessarily.  More young people are nonbelievers, yes, but many still believe and will continue to believe.

    And yes, they believe their invisible skybuddy can see them doing THAT and they believe it annoys him no end.  But they continue doing THAT just the same.


  11. I don't think this is true. Yes there may be more atheists but at the same time there are growing numbers of younger people looking for answers. They want to know why the world is the way it is. Most of my friends not only believe in God but are actively involved in their religion.  

  12. probably.  But you would be surprised at how many young people attend these new age churches with christian bands.  At some churches where I live you cant even get a seat because there are so many young people attending these services.    I know a Anglican church down the road that has their church only half full with mainly elderly people but around the corner there is a new christian church which has 5 services a week which is always packed out with young people.

  13. In the UK yes. If you go to any British church on a Sunday nowadays 90% of the congregation will be older people.

  14. I believe in God and Jesus. I know someone who is 20 years old and goes to church every Sunday. They are a practicing Christan.

  15. Old people are ust scared of dieing and thats why they fill there own minds thinking they will go to heaven and stuff.

  16. Have you not heard about World Youth Days?  The last one was in Australia about a month ago.  I encourage you to watch out for these days and attend it.  But then you might not feel at home here with hundreds of thousands of young people expressing their need for God.  and these are just Catholic youngsters.  If the Protestants, Muslims and other religions will hold their own World Youth Days, you'd surely change your mind. But I won't be surprised if you'd dismiss these gatherings and say they're just brainwashed.  Bigoted people sometimes are just Quasimodos( from Latin for Half-Formed)  they see reality only through one functioning eye.

  17. EXCUSE ME?!?!

    You are totally wrong...Christianity is growing by leaps and Church had to put on an addition, because of ALL the new members...and guess what...more than 1/2 are people under 30....

    I do wonder what you call old?!?

  18. Well it is incompatible with modern times. So as a whole, yes, unfortunately extremism is also growing.  

  19. JMO - Following the religion and not doing the right thing are two different things. Many people preach the word (gospel) but do not follow. I wouldn’t say that many young people today are atheists because though we may not preach the word or make it known that we are religious, we still do believe in God and sometimes call upon him in any case. IMO –Old people lead, we follow and I wouldn’t blame the young people too much for their misguided approach to life and to religion/God because people practice what they learn and old people are responsible for what young people know today and/or their up bringing.  

  20. Well im not old!!!!!!! but i know what you mean. we hear alot  about atheists  that are young . it seems like so much religion is going out the door and away from schools ,our mail;  etc...

  21. im 15 and i only know 1 person under 30 who is religious.

  22. Well, then.  I guess the saying is true-- when you get older you get wiser...

  23. Yeah, they're old, they want to make sure they get into heaven.

    Also, 1.1 billion of the 6.5 billion people on the planet isn't exactly a huge number... That means that for every 1 athiest, theres 5 people that are religious.

  24. im 17 and im religious so............

  25. I'd say that's a fairly good assumption, but I have to disagree. There will always be religion. A surprising number of young people are religious.

  26. Do we still believe that older people are wiser and have seen more of the world and are better educated than young people?  In that case, I'd say that many young people, like me when I was young, are not smart enough to know yet that they need God in their lives.  Or too proud to admit it.  Or haven't had something happen to them or a loved one that made it evident that greater forces than our own intelligence are working in this world.

    I'd be much quicker to take advice from a 90-yr-old on her death bed than someone who hasn't graduated high school yet.  I've always been a smart gal, but I was a dumb*ss when I was 17...if you know what I mean!

  27. The answer lies with reduction from contradictory knowledge gained through inquisitive minds of science.

  28.   There were 11 million young people under the age of 27 at the last three Catholic youth day, in three spots of the world. Catholics are a religious Christian grp, they and the other Christian demoninations represent about 1.2billion of the beleivers in the world today under 27. You tell me, do the math;

      It seems like your looking for an answer you already feel strongly about and are really searching for debate about smiting-?

      As for people who say that non- beleivers are a sign of the times and its a 'modern day issue', then why did God have to send Jesus as the Christ, 2 THOUSAND yrs ago, if its just a 'modern day problem'?  Seems to me the Lord wouldnt be messing around with such a painful and large statement as be nailed to the tree for the sake of mankind, if it werent needed THEN, as now, so desperatly. Non-beleiver shave been aorund since, of course the dawn of time, which is, DAH!!! why we needed the Sacrament of Christ in the first palce...

    And that statement only mentions Christains, not to mention youthful, devoted Jews, Buddist, Hindus and islams' kids-

    all believers and respectful, living honest lives with no interest in anything other than praising God, or living right. Dont be so afraid of your children, have as much faith in them as they have in us.

  29. religion will never be wiped off the face of the earth as long as there is an earth. There are many young people out there that are religious.

  30. yup, thats basically it

  31. No older people have jest had a whole lot more experiences in life I think religion is being practiced by a lot of younger people maybe they do it more in Private and don't want to stand out in a crowd.

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