
Are Orcha Killer Whales now considered part of the Porpus family?

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Are Orcha Killer Whales now considered part of the Porpus family?




  1. They are dolphins and always have been part fo that family.

  2. If you mean porpoise family, yes.

  3. Orcas are part of the family Delphinidae, which is the dolphin family.

    Kingdom: Animalia

    Phylum: Chordata

    Class: Mammalia

    Order: Cetacea

    Suborder: Odontoceti

    Family: Delphinidae

    Genus: Orcinus

    Species: O. orca

    Delphinidae includes most species of dolphins (except for fresh water dolphins) plus pilot whales and false killer whales.

    Porpoises are a completely separate family, called Phocoenidae. Porpoises look a lot like dolphins but have some important morphological (structural) differences like different kinds of teeth and dorsal fins. They are also unable to cross breed with dolphins. (Some dolphin species are able to hybridize with others in the wild.)

    It is an interesting idea that dolphins and some toothed whales are so closely related. The name Whale is kind of undefined, it's basically just a cetacean that's over 20 feet long!

  4. They are Orcas, not Orchas.  It is also porpoise, not porpus

    Approximately 78 species of whales, dolphins, and porpoises are included in the Order Cetacea

  5. Yes, killer whales are clasified as being in the porpus family.All because the porpus is a dolphin and The whale is also known as a dolphin. I hpoed i helped!!

  6. MAN, WTF happened to the education system???

    I swear 80% of these question/answers are soo grammatically incorrect! wow, so sad!

    Anyone over the age of middle school should be well-versed in the English language and at LEAST understand proper spelling! If not, proper grammar.

    DANG, breaks my heart!

    I don't CLAIM to be perfect, but I KNOW how to spell Orca and Porpoise.


  7. Yup...Orcinus orca has always been Cetacea Odontoceti

    Delphinidae, one of thirty-five species in the dolphin family.

  8. An orca is apart of the porpoise. Actually it's the largest porpoise in the world. All toothed whales are. Because toothed whaled aren't truly whales. Baleen whales are the only true whales in the ocean.

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