
Are Oriental men at the bottom of the list in terms of dating?

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I am chinese, but tell me not don't girls prefer other nationalities beside Orientals or Asian? I've asked this question to my co-workers and it seems like we are never favorites. I know many Asian girls now that prefer going out with an Indian guy instead of Oriental guy. Why is that?




  1. I agree with asian_man_loves_bbw, the image of being attractive is not as diverse as people say it is.  Asians alone are set at a high standard for being smart, entrepreneurs, successful in today's electronics.  I feel like since they are praised for these things, people tend to take away or look past the one big matter in reality which ib beauty.  So many stereotypes pointed at Asians is to tear us down.  Like saying all the men have small penises or the women are all skinny with no shape, our eyes are chinky.  There's so many things people say about Asians that makes other believe we are not attractive.  I myself love Asian men.  I find them very attractive.

  2. Your asian and making stereo types about are race worse....Well, i'm japanese buts were all family now......

  3. statistcally speaking asian men and black women are the two groups who are least likely in America to be married. I dunno why...we're both great. But i know plenty of girls who are Asian and non Asian who love Asian guys alot.

  4. Oriental guys are hot, they'd probably be at the top of my list. I didn't really notice them until I got an Asian boyfriend, now I'll never go back! Give me a bit of Jay Chou any day...

  5. i love my laos and cambodian men so dosent any one wid good taste what you talking about willis??

  6. American women don't like us asian guys because Hollywood, MTV and the media constantly tell them that we are unattractive.

  7. they're at the top of my list!

  8. mmmm oriental..i like that flavor of ramen noodles...and oriental rugs are nice.

    ok all jokes aside..I like asian men and im white..

    i think you all are cute as heck. :P

  9. Bad girls don't like Asian men. Nice girls don't mind.

    It really doesn't matter about race.  A nice girl no matter the race would pay attention to you if...

    You are considerate and sincere

    Maintain a full time job (Big plus)

    Clean person (If you smell bad no one will want you)

    Listen to her and her problems and needs (Big Plus)

    Cares about if she's smiling or not (Or care about her happiness-One Results in the other)

    Being successfull and very Educated is a HUGE Plus.

    The last and biggest reason. You are not ABUSIVE verbally or physically

  10. I'm white, and I wouldn't mind dating an Asian man. I think that most of them are cute, Like Harold from Harold and Kumar, or the guy in my psychology class, he's a cute Asian too.

    I hope I answered your question (:

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