
Are Ouija Boards always bad???

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I just want to know if every one that messed with a ouija board had something bad happen to them.Thanks.




  1. not always

  2. I never had anything bad happen, but i would seriously be really careful if i were you.  I was alone once and used a Ouija board and i was asking it questions and it was answering.  There was one question i really wanted to know and the spirit said it wanted something in return,  I asked what and it said "Need a roomie?"  At first i thought it wanted to live in my apartment or something, but then it clicked.  It wanted to share my body.  I completely freaked out, ran out of my apartment and never used the ouija board again.  If i was playing with other people, i couldve chalked it up to them messing around, but since i was alone, I know it was definately a spirit.  After that experiance i started to talk to other people about ouija boards and found out there there are people that use them and get possessed by spirits.  Seriously i would not mess with them if i were you.

  3. We made one once in college and I swear the ghost we contacted followed me for years.  I feel creeped out just responding to this question. I wish you luck with whatever you decide.

  4. I tried to use a Ouija board once but it didnt work for me and nothing bad happened to me. But yes they are bad it is direct contact with demons.

  5. The Ouija Board has been used successfully as a portal in contacting spirits on "the other side".

    I know for a fact, from first hand experience, that when used as part of a seance where there are serious attempts to communicate with the spirits of the dead, and the seance is performed in a house that is supposedly haunted by an unseen "evil" spirit or poltergeist, a doorway will open allowing that spirit to be able to communicate with the participants present in that room.  Once the session is completed, that spirit may or MAY NOT return back to the dark side from which it came.

    A Ouija Board is NOT a's real...and it works!

  6. There not bad. Don't worry.

  7. If you love your holy life do not "play" with a Ouija Board. It is a product of Satan.

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