
Are Our Projected fears, like Shadows, Larger Than Life...?

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  1. At present our course of life is directed by our fears.

  2. A man who lived in the city went to visit his cousin who lived in a rural area that was, in fact, surrounded by jungle.

    During the night, the city man awoke and needed to toilet.

    As the farm house was small, he did not wish to disturb his cousin and his cousin's family by lighting a lantern so he did his best to quietly move through the house in the dark.

    He was slightly unhappy with there being no facilities in the house but he would make the best of this situation.

    When he got to the porch and stepped out, he realized that he had steeped into something that now seemed coiled around his foot and ankle.

    He looked down and to his horror he realized he had stepped into a coiled cobra!

    As his heart began to pound so loudly within his chest, he did his best to escape but the strain was too much for him and his weak heart.

    He collapsed on the porch and died of a heart attack.

    His cousin and family were very upset the next morning when they found him laying on the porch.

    They called the authorities and the man's family in the city so as to make the proper arrangements for his funeral.

    Sad as he was, the farmer still had to do his daily chores so he picked up his rope coiled near the porch and went to take his buffaloes to pasture.

  3. Truth puts such illusions away.

  4. sometimes when we focus on what could be, or our fears we can slip into the trap of exaggerating problems, or fears, but if we stay mindful then we control our expectations and thoughts and things are seen more as they are.

  5. I think so, because we make such a big deal out of our fears, that they become bigger and bigger. But once we overcome these fears then look back, we see that these fears were only small obstacles.

  6. "When I was young, I was afraid of heights -- now, I'm afraid of widths." -- Steven Wright

  7. I used to hear the phrase, "gripped by fear" but until it happened to me, I did not understand it. The same goes with "paralyzed with fear." It did happen to me, but when I got a hold of myself, I found that my fears were based on illusions not reality. Then poof! They were gone. Whew!  Maybe I will recognize it next time before fear gets a hold on me.

  8. Pretty much, but careful not to dwell on something you fear!

    The ego can only frighten you with fear & threaten you with threats. If you were to look closely at it, in the Light, it's true nature is seen, it is nothing!


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