
Are Palm Treos any good?

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Are Palm Treos any good?




  1. I've had extensive experience with Treos, and I can tell you that I am very fond of them. They are quite fast, and the one-handed keyboard is very easy to get used to. I recommend getting the Windows Mobile version over the Palm version, as you can easially add custom themes and programs to it. Also, make sure you put a protective cover on the screen before you start using it. They work really well.

  2. I have one and it is okay, but it really is for someone who has to mulittask...bulky phone but it's great for me.

  3. I dissagree with the above person. Palm devices are much better than windows mobile devices. Windows only have a few applications available, and palm has over thousands of apps. All treos have touch screens, and about half of WM devices do. They are much better.

    Get a treo! [:

    The 755p is great.

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