
Are Paris area children back to school yet?

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Might have some time over the next few weekends to visit and I was wondering if kids will be out and about during the day.




  1. yes they are back to school since yesterday tuesday 3rd !

  2. Don't worry, they are all back at school and the only happy screams you will hear will come from the school

    playground !

    Bonnes vacances !

  3. They are back to school. At least those who go to "regular" schools with no special calendar.

  4. Yes they are !

    Back-to-school day was Sept. 4th for most schools.

    Visit :

    for a complet overview of the 2007-2008 school holiday calendar.

    As far as school holidays are concerned, France is divided in 3 zones in order to avoid major trafic jams.

    During the week, most schools are closed on wednesdays, saturdays and sundays, as well as bank holidays.

    Enjoy your stay !

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