
Are Parkeets good pets?

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I am thinking of getting one and i was wondering if they are good pets.

Also if you guys could list some things that you like about your parakeet or someone else's parakeet.





  1. I think a parakeet would be a good choice, insted... On christmas i wished for a cockitiel, and i got it... but now I regret it. Cockatiels are very very noisy, while parkeets only chip. Cockatiels screech all day, and night. Though, my cockatiel doesnt really at night. Parkeets are more likely to be first-time owners, and i really sugest you should get one. I think you would be a great onwer and everything. Thankyou for the 2 points.



  2. Dont like them. all the ones i ever met hate me and bite me. This is my theory. they dont like males. My cousins hates me and my uncle. no other males in my cousins family.

  3. yes they are. but you want to make sureyou get a good one. healthy, and has potiental to be trianed.

  4. I currently have one parakeet, a male named Cielo. I've had parakeets since I was little and still enjoy them today. I think you should consider buying one. Things I enjoy about them is that they can stay on your shoulder everywhere you go in your house, they are small and don't acquire expensive toys and food, and you can teach them wonderful tricks. I teach all of my parakeets to give kisses to me, it's really a cool experience!! Enjoy if you get one!!  

  5. Hello.

    Any birds that bond with you , love your attention is a good pet . Parakeets have their own qualities . I saw a video that a parakeet can climb robe up and down according to the trainer tell him to...I sell a lot of parakeets to kids ( ofcourse the parents came along and helped to pay for it , and promised to help taking care of it ) But in general ...parakeets are great for beginners . If you can get a hand fed one from a breeder ( like me then you can bond with it and it would not bite you and it can be trained to talk , to do trick ( this part , I have no idea , sorry ) is cheaper than most other birds ( from $ 15 _ $ 22 ) You can go to www.hoobly .com to find a breeder near you . Hope this help. TM.

  6. I have 4parakeets. 2females (Violet & Rosy), 2males (Twitty & Picky). I love them very much and yes they are great pets. They're all tame and the thing i like most, is that when my birds want to spend time with me, they'll fly on my shoulder. Parakeets are not hard nor easy depending on how you train/teach them. Though they would make good pets. Hope this helps.  

  7. I loved the two parakeets I had in high school!  The first was for a behavioral science class and I taught it to sing another birds song(cardinal).  It also learned to sound just like the child's tape recorder I had next to its cage all day long.  Eventually it learned 40-50 words and laughed just like my Grandmother.  They are great first-time birds and are just fun.

    One thing to keep in mind that no one has mentioned:  NO SMOKING around birds!  Their small lungs can't handle the toxins.

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