
Are People Typically Inclined (Including Medical people) to Write people Off Out of their Prejudices?

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  1. Yes. In Ft. Worth, Texas a licensed MD of Mexican descent that specialized in plastic surgery  WILL NOT treat any other race but MEXICANS. He is well thought of in the plastic surgery field, but if you are not Mexican, forget it!

  2. Good God!  I read about this in the New York Times, too.  Is it acceptable?  h**l, no!  Does it happen all the time?  Of course.

    David Rosenbaum, a Washington Post reporter, died in the Howard University Hospital ED because they thought he was drunk.  He was found down on the street, with his wallet missing.  (Unfortunately, since it was dark, no one saw him lying in a pool of blood.)  When they brought him in, he was incoherent and messed up, so the staff thought he was just drunk.  Unfortunately, by the time they found the skull fracture, it was too late.

    I think it's a combination of prejudice and being too overworked and hurried.

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