
Are People going to forget?

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Are people going to forgot about World War 2?

Veteran's are dieing every day and soon there's going to be non left!

That's why I'm collecting stuff so people will never forget what happened!




  1. people always forget...always - it is just a matter of time

    new wars will come upon us and claim new lives and over and over and over again

  2. Did we forget the Trojan war or the Peloponnesian War or Punic Wars  or The Crusades or  the French Revolutionary Wars\Napoleonic Wars or the

    American War of Independence???

    No, we didn't and thats how we wont forget about the WW2, but the problem is that we didn't learn anything out of it...

  3. The more important question may be "how will people remember it?"  It is as someone said, people always forget.  So what will be taught and how will it be remembered?

  4. Depends on which people you're talking about.  I believe most people are not forgetting World War 2.

  5. Yes, people will forget. Not everyone, but most people. Their minds move on to whatever is the latest media hype. That's why there are museums - so memorabilia from various eras and events can help people remember - at least, can help those people who want to remember and want to know more.  

  6. I will never forget and my children will never forget because I teach them the importants of those who have given for a greater cause then themselves. It is the parents that have to teach their children of what our great nation has fought for. However, in todays society of Narcisstic people these actions will be forgotten because they only care for number one.

  7. Those of us born prior to World War II (no matter our age) will not forget because it is part and parcel of our lives.  

    Likely those born between World War II also will not forget because it was a significant part of education.  

    Since those times education has been increasingly lacking as to this subject and many times incorrect in presentation.  Just look at the numbers of people here in Yahoo/Answers asking did the Holocaust really happen or were the atom bombs on Japan necessary.  While the answer to both is yes, that the education system is so deficient that such questions need to be asked is evidence of, at the very least, historical revision driven by unfounded political correctness.

  8. Many will forget, but hopefully, a good number will not forget.

  9. No, there are so many lessons to be learnt from it.

    From the horrors of the Holocaust and how a people can conspire to murder another people to how a nation can stand together in adversity.

    Yes the veterans are getting fewer and fewer, but their memory lives on in the hearts and minds of their friends, families and in the gratitude of everyone who is free now thanks to the efforts of ALL the people from the allied countries.

    Source: optimist

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