
Are Perth (WA Aus) bus drivers and transit guards rude, or is it my imagination?

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And do they hate people from Sydney? I come from Sydney and I had some problems using the new smart card which I think is great- but everyone has to start somewhere, right? Ive had bus drivers grumble about change for $5, whinge about me asking for help with the card, turn the bus off and refuse to let me swipe my card. One transit guard told me to throw my card in the bin when I asked for help with it. They laugh when I say Ive moved here from Sydney.

Am I being a bit sensitive or are they really as rude as they seem to be?




  1. There are some nice ones around, but most of them probably just want to drive and have passangers use there cards, so they dont really have to have much contact.

    Its nothing about you coming from sydney, just say you are new with this system.

    Dont let it worry you, there probably just having bad days.

    I dont use perth transport anymore, I drive alot. My problem now, is them cutting in front of me- so frustrating- lol.

  2. I find the bus drivers to be extremely rude, they dont even acknowledge my kids, when we have gotten on, my kids wave and say hello, and they get ignored, after we've gotten off, my kids have said thank you, and all they got in return was a "yup".... The railway security people, are quite nice, havent met a s****. one yet...

    Agree with suzy, about them cutting in front of you.... Ive almost been taken off the road, pushed onto the other side, with on coming traffic, and even had one bus driver abuse me, I just gave him the finger, and told him where to stick it...

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