(If you've already seen this question and these pics, I apologize. I'm trying to get a wider variety of responses)
Are these pics still too cluttered?
**If so (or if anything seems off or wrong to you) what should I move/delete/add/change color or size of to make it look best?**
Pic A:
Pic B:
Pic C:
Pic D:
For Pic A and B, Is the top left corner to empty? If so, then what can I put there? I was thinking stars, but they'd be so disconnected from the rest of the images
Which is better out of A and B?
Which is better out of C and D?
Best of all?
One last thing:
Does the gun in Pic A make it seem like I am going to shoot myself, or that I'm suicidal or anything remotely negative in that manner?
Thank you!