
Are Pilipinos nurses in the US here because they love the job or do they do it for the green card?

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Bringing in foreign nurses unfortunately brings in also their culture and traditions. Native speaking amongst peers in front of patients is one of the common problems. Being blasé about family's concerns for the patient's health is another...I have noticed the lack of interest in preventive care until their jobs are in jeopardy....Are they here because they love nursing or have we opened the portal for these green card hungry professionals with no regard for patient care?




  1. They are only in it for the money.  Many don't necessarily care about a green card or citizenship, as long as they can get in and get money.  Away from the patients, when you can overhear their conversations as "just another employee," you hear some very, very interesting things that could keep ICE in the deportation biz for decades.

  2. they come here because the USA gives them the opportunity to earn more than they could in their home country , plus i am pretty sure than it is probably hard to find a job in Philippines even being a nurse . about ur opinion about them mine is than they can speak whatever they want as far as they treat well the patients , if they do not then they should not be allowed nursing , as simple as that , my guess is than most probably do their best and even if most did not u should not make generalizations though  .

  3. For many, I'm sure it's at least a bit of both. However, the Philippines does not begin to generate enough jobs to keep up with the population growth curve,plus you can be sure wages in the US, Saudi Arabia, the Gulf and elsewhere far exceed wages in the Philippines. People have always been one of the Philippines greatest exports, and very large numbers work outside of the country, all over the world. In some schools like nursing, physical rehab, computer programing and others up to 90% are studying there with the intention of working outside the country. Many, if not most prefer to work in the US. We're a bit more user friendly than Saudi Arabia and other places, but large numbers who are working overseas do work in countries all over the world, not just the US.

  4. Dear if they merely went into nursing for the love of the patient.............they could be a nurse in the Philippines, right?

    Its about the money and the freedom in the good ole USA....the patients are a means to an end.

  5. Are you sure their jobs are in jeopardy?What if they were born here and went to nursing program,by blood he is still a Filipino because of his parents?

  6. Most are her because there is no jobs in teh Phillipines.  Unfortunately the average nurse from the Philipines are well below the American train nurses.  A government official from the Philipines has even been caught last year helping the nurses cheat in teh board Exam.   Of what I've seen, the colleges in teh Philipines are created not to train nurses but to train their students to pass the board exam.    They are very organized in helping their nurses cheat in taking our board exams.   There are good Filipino nurses, and of what i saw, they come from good family and therefore are able to go to decent colleges .    On the other hand there are colleges there where you can just buy a diploma.    There are alot of Filipinos here that come here on a professional visa and now is working as nursing aid.   Legally they should be deported, but the government doesn't seem to care.   We need to over haul our immigration system to prevent abuses.   The reason the government allows this is because they want to keep health care cost low, so they allow hospitals to flood our country with underqualified nurses.   This started this  along time ago, but because nursing salaries are so low, no Americans would want to do such a demanding job.   Now we have a shortage due to new laws regulating nurses, forcing hospitals to offer decent pay for nurses, the schools are flooded with prospective nurses.

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