
Are Pit Bulls Bad Dogs?

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I always see everyone giving pit bulls a bad rep. Are they naturally violent crazy dogs, That snap? Are they ticking time bombs? Or are the owners the ones to blame. Its very confusing to me. does anyone own a pit bull? I believe all dogs are good dogs unless you teach them to be bad......But maybe its a different case with pit bulls.....




  1. No they are not Bad.

    My parents have Two and they are Blue Pits

    Which are to be believed BAD. They are the sweetest Dogs that you would ever own. They are protective when they need to be but have never bit anyone. They love Kids.

  2. No, according to animal behaviorist and those who evaluate temperment on dogs, pit bulls rate higher on the scale of good temperment then a lot of other dogs.  It's the owners who make them aggressive.  

  3. No my friend has 4 pit bulls he raised them right they are good dogs they are really protective of him. He loves them they are 6 years old now and the sweetest things  

  4. no pitbulls are not mean dogs

    i have 1 and he is really nice but protective

    it  all depends on the owners

    because most of the owners want to raise pitbulls to fight other dogs and thats when they get crazy:)

  5. definately not. they are just as good as any other dogs, but get a very bad reputation due to terrible dog owners that breed them to fight, because of their muscular, tough bodies. Pit bulls are naturally aggresive, and hyper though, but this doesn't mean they are blood thirsty

    can you help me with my question?;...


  7. There are no bad dogs, just bad owners.  Pit bulls get a bad rep because they are trained to be mean.  They can be a naturally more aggressive dog, but again that is the owners fault.  Any pet can and will bite under the "correct" circumstances.  They may be our "babies" but they are still animals.  

    My neighbor has a half Pit Bull half Black Lab and he is a sweetie.  (except when he does his "business" in my yard, but the neighbor boy mows our lawn, so his problem - not mine :}

  8. Pit bulls are not bad dogs. They are naturally protective (most of the time) to a single owner or to a family. They are a very strong minded, powerful, and demanding breed of a dog to own and when they fall into the hands of an inexperienced or bad owner that is what results in them getting a bad rep.

    Look up Cesar Millan.  

  9. No, American Pit Bull Terriers and their relative breeds are not bad. What has happened, though, is careless breeders have taken this breed and intentionally bred to produce aggressive temperaments. Those dogs that come from those irresponsible breeders and backyard breeders are the ones responsible for the bad reputation the breed as a whole is receiving. Many decades ago, the same thing was happening to Dobermans and Rottweilers.

    Temperament is inherited, whether it is good or bad, and if a bad temperament and aggression are intentionally fostered even a Chihuahua can become a dangerous and unpredictable animal.

    Fortunately, there are MANY good breeders and guardians of Pit Bulls and these people are the ones who struggle every day to bring an end to the horrible breeding and media bias that is damaging their dogs reputations. Their dogs, bred for excellent temperaments, are wonderful and reliable family companions.  

  10. i have two 8 month old pit bulls. They are great dogs and awsome family dogs. There behavior all depends on how there owners treat them. they just like any other dog need a lot of attention and should be taken for walks daily. My dogs are great with children. My boyfriend has a 3 yr. old son and they sleep with him at night. they have been given a bad name because they were breed to be fighting dogs. but there owners made them that way. I personally believe pure breeds are the best for a pit bull. I would not get a mixed one. One of my dogs was hit by a truck today and I don't know if she is going to be ok. She was very well behaved at the vet. help spread the word that they are not viscious ticking time bombs. if treated properly they are the best dogs ever.

  11. No there not.

    Check out Animal Witness: The Micheal Vick Case for a true look at these dogs.

  12. I don't know for sure but I think its a hard wireing thing. They were originally bred to pin several hundred pound bulls by their face. Thats why their bites are so bad. They go for the face with lots of force and by breeding they hold on forever. Pits are responsible for 41% of fatal dog bites while making up less than 1% of dogs.

    When they make the news for biting some kid we usually hear, "they were always such a nice dog, I never would have thought."

    You ever hear of a Border Collie killing some kid? No, they were bred to herd sheep and if they bit they were put down. Not saying there are not good pits or bad Borders, but I always say look at the original breeding for answers.

  13. pit bulls are the best dogs if you raise them right and give them love. Your right its the owners that are to blame. i have had a pit bull 3 years and 6 months and the only reason he would attack or be mean to anyone is if it were to protect me my mom or my siblings. he is a great dog. if you were ever to get a dog i would recommend getting a pit bull.

  14. Pit bulls have a reputation, deserved or not. This is general knowledge.It says something about the purchaser who buys a one. They want to appear threatening, macho. I suspect persons who buy big bull-nosed thrucks, pickups and vans want a pit bull if they don't have one. That may be debatable. But acquiring a pit bull when so many other breeds are available is somewhere between poor judgement and sociopathy

  15. No pits are not bad dogs. It all varies on the owner and how they are raised. Yes they are protective but not violent.

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