
Are Poor People Just Lazy?????????????????

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OK I'm taking sociology GCSE and the statement i have to give my opinion on is "Poor people are only poor because they don't work". What do YOU think??????? Im talking about all sorts of poor people here not just the homeless but the starving in Africa too! Thanks! All opinions welcome!




  1. to be fair

    i dont see what my opinion will matter when its meant to be your opinion that goes on the paper

    its not mean to be facts, it opinions

    thers no right or wrong in that

    just what you thought and then you find out its either true or not

    but anyway.....

    no i dotn think  poor people are  lazy and thats why they are poor

    i think most have a disability, emotional issue, life problems that made them unable to go as far in life as they could before that happened

    i think soem people are born in to poor familys

    i think homeless can become homeless for many reasons

    i was homeless, not cos we were poor

    but cos we wer attacked in our home and had to leave

    so we were officially homeless

    there are many many reasons why someone is homeless

    and its usually life dealt them a bad blow

    adn they didnt handle it well, or as best as they could and they went the other way

    ie to alcohol, or whatever

    i think some homeless are run aways

    i think africa is a poor country because of the state of their climate and their government

    i think they are the least lazy peopel in this world

    they work for everything, very hard, they have to work just to get water

    if you ask me

    i think its the RICH who are the  lazy ones

    soem are born into rich which means they enver have to work, so they dotn knwo what it is to actualy have to DO anything to get anything

    hope that works out for your essay as an answer cos it seems that what you wil do with it......

    seems a little lazy hahahah;-D

  2. The majority yes, there are few cases of of people who can't get out of their situation.  Overall I'd agree.

  3. Being "poor" is a state of mind- Having no money is just that. No Money. So a definition of "poor" must be made.

    Poor is the inability to feed,clothe,house oneself or ones family,with very little chance of survival into the next generation, and no elevation of status likely as survival rating is very,very low.

    Having no skills to trade is on a personal level very poor.  Having 10 goats means you have the ability to trade and thus are not poor, as goats are hardy, edible, may reproduce, and produce milk,meat and some form of skin to trade or barter hence ones survival rating increases.

    Now having established that basis for being"poor" I will attempt to answer the question . Infatically NO!

    Being poor is about survivability versus some perception of being poor...Each has there own perception about being poor, and what I think is poor, and you think is poor will be utterly different.

    Chris Rock says it so well - "If Bill Gates woke up with Oprahs' bank balance, he would think he was poor!" - For the uninformed Bill Gates nett worth is about $70 billion US dollars, Oprahs' is about $400 million.

    Being poor means also that one has to work harder to be able to survive until tomorrow, and that IS hard work. An acquaintence was in the US without any money or contacts spent 3 days waiting to get on a plane home.On the streets, without a dime, no friends,no food ,no shelter,no place to go and no money to get there. He survived but he stated it was the hardest 3 days he ever had.... Poor ? No, his chances of surviving 3 days were good. A year like that? Nah...Dead and or resorted to crime... A decade? If he survived he would be doing okay.

    Hope this put poor into perspective.


    Aside to this. Currently not working, own 2 houses, part of a 3rd, had 4 SUVs with matching shoes or boots for each, and worked 6 days a week and was well paid for the time. Recently did a stint as a low-level worker and lasted 3 days doing chaingang tree planting for minimum wage. My previous employ paid more in tax per week than I would have earnt gross if I was good at the tree-job. But my mortgage will be paid, and I will not starve, I have 3 wardrobes( a lot for a male) full of clothing, sanitary systems back-up and 2 computers... I consider myself poor.

  4. No, if a poor person turns down jobs and is a messy slob then yes. But many poor people are just disadvantaged by rural/jobless location, mental retardation, lack of education, physical disability, or lack resources to go, or live where jobs are.

  5. There are different factors involved. One is that in this world, in history, never been one social class. Always have been four classes of man in society. One is the intellectuals class(philosophers, teachers, poets, etc, second the administrative class(military) government, third the mercantile class, bankers, business man, farmers. And the last, and which most people belong is the workers class, those who need a master, those who works in factories, companies, etc, who work for somebody else. Now, when the government can not administrate properly this divisions in society, some one must suffer the consequences. That is in general one factor. There is more.

  6. No.  Think of all the single women out there living  without the help of the father having to work 3 jobs to raise their kids on their own and still not having quite enough to make ends meet.  These women aren't lazy.

  7. I don't understand why humans ALWAYS try to find one nice, neat little pigeonhole to put everyone in - there are ALWAYS various reasons.  Sure, I'm positive folks love being poor and fighting starvation on a daily basis and watching their children die.  Makes sense to me.  As for the poor in this country, if we are what we learned, then it's generational - additionally, inflation, high unemployment, sending jobs overseas or having 11.5 immigrants take jobs, not pay taxes, yet receive benefits they don't pay for - could possibly have an affect on the economics - as well as a war that costs 12 billion a month.  I'd also like to know how much the space program is costing us - and why, other than for commercial purposes, are we paying for it?  Looking for water, bullsh!t.  Pointing the finger at the victims - now that's more like it - business as usual.  Don't get me started............

  8. no, its because the ones in africa have no source to make money at! where would they make money??? there is hardly any civilization there! my friend is moving to africa this summer she is gonna b a missionary kid, the reason most of them is poor is either cuz of that or cuz they are sick!

    the ones in america are either because the government sucks and thinks that they need more n=money when people dont have any... or cuz the people dont have any talent, they arent good at working  so they have crappy jobs where they work a lot and dont get paid well, and maybe have a lot of kids,... o and i forgot another thign. maybe it was because they became alcoholics and spend all of their money on drugs and alchohol, wasting their time, money, and lives. some people are just born into a poor family and nobody gives them a chance? there are things that u mite not even kno, the world mite be a little too cruel for u, u dont wanna kno all of the c**p in this place!!!!

  9. u can be born poor---  think about the cycle of poverty and the cycle of deprivation and the culture of poverty...

    but i read this article where a lone parent coulndt afford basic needs that when they go shoopping it is a decision between buying soap or bread!!!

    born poor---> bad house- ill health-- miss skool-- underachieve---bad qualifications--- bad job-- poor housing-- poor life--- poor children ect...

    but is the child had a middle class attitude thay cud've worked harder and have deferred gratification....

    so the cycle breaks???

  10. i know some poor people who work like 2 jobs, is that lazy?

  11. No, sometimes the oportunity hasn't come up yet to make

    your finances clear and owe no one.  and  of course depends on how many mouths you are feeding and bad choices. You could be working your brains out and still make bad choices and loan your money out and i would not say lazy but a

    bad plan,

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